The ongoing pandemic nowadays, Covid-19, has affected numerous sectors. The world of education is one of the areas affected by the Covid-19 epidemic. Consequently, many changes occur, for example, a learning activity that shifts from the face-to-face learning process online. Various remote learning facilities held through some platforms. They are zoom, Webex, Google Meet, etc.
Furthermore, at UGM. Since March 23, 2020, UGM Chancellor, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M. Eng., D. Eng., IPU., ASEAN Eng., has issued Circular Number 1683 / UN1.P / HKL / TR / 2020 Concerning the Maximum Limitation of Activities at the UGM Campus. The circular covers, among other things, arrangements such as lecturers and education staff who are entirely doing work in their respective homes (work from home). Students are also taking part in online learning.
Up to this moment, the process of work from home and study from home online is still ongoing. To facilitate this online learning system UGM has also provided several facilities such as a server to run the elok.ugm.ac.id and elisa.ugm.ac.id and academic administration applications for simaster.ugm.ac.id.
“Platforms for learning content providers can use Webex or other existing applications,” said Director of the Directorate of Information Systems and Resources (DSSDI) UGM, Widyawan, Ph.D. on Saturday (5/30).
According to Widyawan, due to the still ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, online activity is predicted to increase. He gave examples of online consultations in hospitals, online service-learning, seminars, and online training to swiftly growing online transactions. Online transactions to the online shop delivery service will even continue to increase until entering the New Normal period.
“This online seminar/training DSSDI also provides convenience, for example, in the creation of ugm.id shortening or shortening services. All UGM academics who have UGM email can make the short URL after visiting ugm.id/admin, ‘he said.
Related to the shortening service, the Head of UGM Public Relations and Protocol, Dr. Iva Ariani, considered that it was indeed possible that private events held by universities or faculties could use the ugm.id link for seminar registration.
“As said by the Director of DSSDI, every civitas who has UGM email can access to ugm.id. Well, learning from this bustling seminar in the future, we will think about rearranging the use of ugm.id. Yesterday, I had collected the information about the seminar on the university’s website,” Iva added.
Iva also saw a passion for learning and sharing knowledge online during the Covid-19 pandemic. This activity is a lesson we can take from Covid-19. In addition to inviting experts from various fields, we can also share knowledge and experience, share roles as hosts, resource persons, etc.
“All of us will eventually adapt and get used to remote-learning. We must maintain the motivation of learning,” Iva said.
Author: Satria
Photo: Sevima.com
Translator: Natasa A