As an effort of Covid-19 prevention, UGM Chancellor has issued SE Number 1683 / UN1.P / HKL / TR / 2020 on March 23, 2020, concerning the Maximum Limitation of Activities on UGM Campus. This maximum restriction has continued more than two months, and it does not need to be extended because college services must continue to run.
Therefore, UGM needs to find a balance point so that employees are protected from Covid-19 transmission, but the service can still run well. Through the Meeting of the Vice Chancellor for Human Resources and Assets and the Vice Chancellor for Planning, Finance and Information Systems, Covid-19 Task Force, FKKMK Dean, Secretary of the Chancellor and related multitudes, UGM opened the opportunity to seek easing due to the maximum limitation.
Drs. Ratminto, M.Pol.ADMIN, Director of Human Resources, said that easing the maximum renewal would start on June 15, 2020. Therefore, preparations must be made regarding facilities and infrastructure. UGM also then conducted a study of WfH and WfO.
“Because office or workplace are effective places to have interaction, thus, it is a factor that we need to anticipate. Mitigation and readiness of offices or workplaces need to be done and provide support as optimal as possible through changes in lifestyle and work patterns in the Covid-19 or New Normal process,” he said at UGM on Thursday (4/6).
In various discussions related to the maximum easing limitation, UGM examines the multiple strengths and weaknesses of work from home and work from the office. The advantages of working hours and a relatively flexible work environment, work clothes that are “comfortable” are more focused on online and offline meetings, and are not distracted in the office.
While the weaknesses are the rising electricity and internet costs, which cause tiredness because they involve normative pressure on employees to intensify work and report on performance achievements. Besides, a long period of WfH can result in employees being lonely, lacking outreach, also bored.
“For organizations or institutions, the excess can be efficient in-office operational costs because it is technology-based, environmentally friendly, and reduces air pollution and congestion in the office/campus area. Meanwhile, freedom of choice is difficult to support, and the output, if it supports, information systems is not optimal,” Ratminto said.
It is said that UGM’s plan to reduce the maximum restrictions also refers to the MenPANRB Circular Letter, No. 58 of 2020, the matter of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) working with the New Order starting on June 5, 2020. For that reason, changes to the work system are made to adapt to the new work order productive and safe from Covid-19.
These changes include adjustments to the work system by taking into account health protocols. The general policy related to New Normal at UGM that was formulated was setting work locations, both those who would later work in the office (WfO) and work at home (WfH).
“All of this is to encourage the development of remote working at UGM. Organizations can find a balance point so that vulnerable employees remain protected from the possibility of Covid-19 transmission. On the other hand, services and performance of tasks can still run well,” he said.
By considering some points, it will be determined those who work in WfO and WfH. The considering points are the type of work, employee competencies, the results of evaluations of employee discipline reports. Also, their health conditions considering family health conditions, whether there is a possibility of OTG, ODP, PDP, or even positive Covid-19.
As for specific policies, employees with certain diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, or other congenital diseases that are vulnerable to Covid-19, are directed to continue working from home. Employees who experience illness, such as sneezing, coughing, runny nose, fever, and have a history of interaction with affected parties/environment Covid-19, are required to report directly to superiors and contact the UGM SATGAS Covid-19 Team or perform quarantine to be considered by authorized parties.
Ratminto said to maintain air circulation and human movements in the workspace to be managed; the work unit can regulate the number of employees working in one room with a shift system. Work distribution arrangements can consider the needs of physical distancing, age, and service effectiveness.
“The division of shifts is suggested to be carried out by the method of division of work teams. Each team will work for two weeks. “This is to provide opportunities for employees to carry out independent isolation for 14 days according to the calendar after WfO,” he said.
It is no less critical in welcoming maximum easing restrictions at UGM, he said, related to the preparation of infrastructure support, including the preparation of information media and ensuring the output of online and offline service products remain following established standards. Besides, pay attention to a safe distance, health, and safety of employees who perform direct services.
“This is where the importance of education and outreach, health protocol information media is needed from preparation to the office to returning from the office,” he said.
Before the New Normal implementation, Ratminto appealed for the preparation of a safe and healthy work environment. Therefore, employees can be instructed to return to work in an office, assuming safe and healthy work facilities and the environment.
Efforts are needed, including the preparation of safe and healthy work facilities and infrastructures such as disinfectants, handwashing facilities, thermo guns, masks, face shields, hand sanitizers, installation of screens, and others—besides, the provision of employee observation space with symptoms of Covid-19.
“The purpose of implementing the protocol is to prevent, reduce the spread, and protect UGM employees from Covid-19 risk. Guiding UGM employees concerning the spread of Covid-19 prevention within UGM from the preparation to the office to returning home,” he added.
Another thing to note when New Normal applied at UGM is the preparation of health protocol for going to the office, including always wearing a mask, carrying a hand sanitizer, or handwashing soap. To avoid using accessories such as watches or jewelry. If you have long hair, tie your hair to the back, or use a head covering, bring lunch, bring your prayer equipment, and avoid using public transportation as much as possible.
“Before entering the work area, you must wash your hands with soap, check the body temperature with a Thermo gun by the officer. Employees with a body temperature of 37.5 degrees Celsius and above are not permitted to enter the workspace and are urged to consult a GMC or Korpagama clinic immediately. Employees are required to wear masks, for front liner officers are advised to wear face shields. Change the mask for maximum after 4 hours, change the mask immediately when it is wet, and employees must maintain physical distancing. “Always keep a safe distance with colleagues and get in the habit of not shaking hands and implementing healthy and clean living behaviors at work,” he said.
Author: Agung Nugroho
Photo: Legal
Translator: Natasa A