The Covid-19 caused all education and teaching activities impossible to do on campus as in the previous normal life. Until a drug or vaccine for Covid-19 is found, events on the UGM campus are currently required to follow health protocol standards to prevent transmission of the Coronavirus. Responding to the implementation of New Normal regulation from the central government, UGM is presently preparing various rules that can assist the reactivation of activities on campus.
Responsible for the readiness to implement the New Normal regulation of UGM, Dr. Ir. Djoko Sulistyo said that UGM is currently processing a circular about the preparation for implementing the New Normal regulation of activities on campus in the form of a guide to employee work systems and infrastructure preparation to prevent the spread of Covid-19. “As continued respond for its implementation, Covid-19 Task Force in UGM has prepared health protocols for various activities. Besides, supporting infrastructure is also being prepared, such as the installation of hand-washing units in various places,” Djoko told reporters on Friday (11/6).
He explained that all education activities would be re-activated, with a note that it should still apply strict health protocols. “We will slowly re-activate the implementation of events, but by implementing strict health protocols. How it performed in stages, then it will be evaluated,” he said.
Preparation of the New Normal regulation of campus life took all units and faculties to be actively involved in getting direction. It received input from the FKKMK expert team, Task Force Co-19, and the HPU (Health Promoting University) team.
Djoko acknowledged that the implementation of the New Normal regulation coincided with the process of admitting new students. To get around so that the activities of the admission process of new students and new lecture activities begin, it will pay more attention to the implementation of the health protocol. In fact, the process of approving new students such as UTBK (Computer Based Written Examination) and UM (Independent Examination) will also be carried out with due regard to strict health protocols and involving many parties at UGM. “Coordination in preparation for its implementation is still on process,” he said.
As for the implementation of orientation activities for new students or PPSMB in August, other units will further regulate academic activities. “Activities will be undertaken online, and we constantly combined between online and offline,” he said.
Meanwhile, according to the campus, gathering activities will also be regulated by the health protocol guidelines. Every activity that collects many people, such as lectures, meetings, seminars, and so on, is required to implement health protocols. However, there should still be awareness and compliance from all parties to maintain the health and hygiene of each such as using masks, keeping a distance, and diligently washing hands. “We will campaign this way of Covid-19 prevention to the community. Each person is to be self-aware, obedient, and always on the alert, “he said.
While the facilitation of providing masks, hand-sanitizers, and washing hands, according to Djoko, will be prepared in every corner of the campus room. “The health protocol will continue to have campaigned so that all community hopefully will always implement it everywhere. For that also needs to be supported by the provision of facemasks, hand-sanitizers, hand washing facilities. This facility has been installed at several strategic points, and we will soon improve the number to some other areas,” he explained.
Although the implementation of activities during the New Normal Period will be regulated in a combination of online and offline, the use of space capacity for gathering activities may be necessary for half. Therefore, Work from Home and Work from Office schedules will be arranged, as well as scheduled lectures in combination online and offline.
New rules and guidelines for normal life in the campus environment, according to Djoko, were compiled by UGM. In other words, the regulation will not wait for a command from the central government. “The rules from the central government are usually too general, if they are already released, it must have similar purposes. However, UGM has prepared in more detailed guidance,” he concluded.
Author: Gusti Grehenson
Photo: Firsto
Translator: Natasa A