UGM Chancellor set the Faculty of Philosophy as an integrity zone in UGM. This determination is in line with the integrity zone development program in 14 state universities, which was according to the initiation from Directorate General of Higher Education Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud).
“Faculty of Philosophy annually provides better public services, one of which is by providing physical access to supporting public services for people with disabilities. We have also planned many things in the future,” said the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Dr. Arqom Kuswanjono.
Each chancellor is the authorized party who sets the construction of chosen faculties as its integrity zones in 14 universities. One of the programs is to make each campus implement good and clean university governance. Also, it may reduce the practice of Corruption, Collusion, and Nepotism (KKN) in the campus environment.
Faculties that succeed in building integrity zones will receive the title of Clean Areas from Corruption (WBK) and Clean Serving Bureaucracy Areas (WBBM).
Arqom said, the Faculty of Philosophy currently has the task of carrying out three compulsory subjects at UGM, namely the subjects of Religion, Pancasila, and Citizenship. In other words, this faculty provides services for students from all faculties at UGM who come to the Faculty of Philosophy to take these courses.
“We want to carry the university’s name as an integral part of the faculties, so in one class, there can be students from various faculties. This action is a part of the integrity zone, which is creating universities and not multiversities,” he explained.
He added that the Faculty of Philosophy had improved the quality of services in terms of human resources, systems, and physical infrastructure. Facilities such as elevators and wheelchair lines have been built to facilitate the needs of service users, both from lecturers, education staff, and students.
“We are also concerned with the physical or mental health needs of the community. We have a field and a gym with its health equipment and a relaxation room with musical instruments for the development of intellectual and emotional aspects. We also pay attention,” said Arqom.
The faculty also has a mission to develop learning related to the archipelago’s insight to the community, especially for business people or political figures, to spread the values of nationalism and the responsibility of developing the country.
“Indeed, we want to contribute to the nation, one of them with this kind of training plan. We expect that the integrity zone is not limited only to internal faculties or universities. Still, because UGM is a national university, we must contribute to the nation’s interests,” he concluded.
Author: Gloria
Photo: Firsto
Translator: Natasa A