A new era means there will be an update of adaptation in the transportation sector as new habits. Therefore, not only updating the regulation of technical matters but more important is a new form of perspective and behavior as a new culture eventually.
In carrying out the adaptation of this new transport habit, caution and alertness are needed from the threat of the spread of the second wave of Covid-19 because the public transportation area is a place for people to meet.
“That is why, in addition to building safe and secure connectivity, transportation must now also be wholesome. This health issue is the most important factor at this time,” said Budi Karya Sumadi, Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia, in a Webinar with the theme of Preparing for the Path to a New Normal Era on Tuesday afternoon (9/6).
He said that related to readiness towards the New Normal era, the policies taken must be innovative. These policies must provide solutions and benefits for the people by developing humane and hygienic transportation and surely also lessen social contact.
“We have collaborated with UGM, UI, ITB, and ITS, as well as health experts, transportation operators, and other stakeholders. We collaborate and work mutually to formulate and determine the most appropriate policies in the adaptation phase of this new transport habit,” he said.
In this adaptation, according to Budi, the health personnel, whether doctors, nurses and pharmacists, play a vital role both in the efforts to deal with Covid-19, especially in encouraging people to have a new culture of living cleaner. In general, the adaptation of new habits has at least two advantages. First, the health protocol will protect Indonesia from the threat of a sustainable pandemic, and secondly, support the country’s sustainability from various sides and prevent new problems, such as the fiscal crisis, food security, and disruption of the education system.
Prof. Dr. apt. Agung Endro Nugroho, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy UGM, said that it is necessary to adjust strategies and educational approaches in the New Normal Era. The education process in the New Normal Era refers to and harmonizes with the concept of Education 4.0 so that the use of information technology and big data plays an essential role in New Normal education.
He said the New Normal era education had an impact on efficiency and effectiveness. Some adjustments made related to Covid-19, and New Normal pandemic education activities, including lectures with online learning (in the network), must still pay attention to Course Learning Outcomes (CPMK). Including the procurement of lectures using flip classroom or blended learning methods.
Besides, technically learning uses synchronous methods (Webex, Zoom, Microsoft teams, Skype, Google Talk, and others, and asynchronous methods (university’s e-learning: eLisa, eLok, or e-learning. While the lecturers prepare to learn content (assignments, ppt material, quizzes, exams, etc. from various sources through the Learning System that has been developed by the university, eLOK, such as e-Learning Open for Knowledge Sharing and eLisa (eLearning System for Academic Community).
“Content-based learning from video recordings is later uploaded on YouTube or the web system, combined with email communication, social media groups, faculty websites, and other forms. This action is what both students and lecturers are so familiar with and bring them closer to information technology now,” he explained.
Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM, Prof. Dr. Erwan Agus Purwanto, M.Sc., added that the Covid-19 pandemic had an economic and social impact. Implications for microeconomics are not a few individuals/households that have decreased income, lost jobs, and closed businesses, especially MSMEs.
According to him, almost all macroeconomic sectors were affected by Covid19, ranging from the most severe, moderate, to mild to unaffected. The worst fields are tourism, aviation, oil and gas, and others. For medium-impact real estate, chemical, agricultural, and not affected by the media, Telkom, high tech, and pharmacy.
“Indonesia’s GDP estimated to have declined from the 5 percent growth target to the pessimistic -1 sda -4 percent, and the optimistic one to 2 percent growth. The Ministry of Labor said 3.05 million workers were affected by Covid, and Kemenkop noted 47 percent of MSMEs went bankrupt. The number of unemployed is increasing. BPPS 2020 data states the number of unemployment is 6.8 million. The prediction said that the number of unemployed people would increase by 3-4 million if Covid-19 continues and continues to expand,” he said.
Meanwhile, the social impact of Covid-19 is a change in lifestyle. There are such changes in how to work, how to school, how to socialize, and how to worship. There are social problems such as stigmatization of Covid-19 sufferers and their families, including the rejection of the bodies of Covid-19 victims in several areas.
Therefore, said Erwan, organizational policies and management are necessary towards the New Normal era. There needs to be a policy guideline to loosen PSBB at the national level as a guideline for all stakeholders.
Hopefully, there will be an integration of health protocols with the economic and social sectors. This condition is due to the necessity in the development of health protocols that are in line with protocols to support activities in types of economic sectors and also for social/religious businesses, education, and government offices as a way towards well-implemented New Normal period.
“The challenge is how to develop the protocol, acknowledge it, and oversee its implementation to be consistent,” he added.
Author: Agung Nugroho
Photo: megapolitan.kompas.com
Translator: Natasa A