Recently, cycling has become a trendy activity nowadays. Meanwhile, Covid-19 has not ended in this country. Then, what are the tips on how to stay safe on cycling in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic?
Dr. dr. H. Zaenal Muttaqin Sofro, AIFM as Sports Medicine Specialist, as well as a Lecturer of FKKMK UGM, explained that physical exercise is beneficial for maintaining health, fitness, and the body’s immune system, including cycling.
“Cycling outside the home nature is recreational, causing a sense of joy so that it can increase our immune system,” he explained on Monday afternoon (6/30).
To keep biking outside the home safe from exposure to the coronavirus, Zaenal stressed that people always need to implement health protocols recommended by the government. This action surely will lessen the risk of Covid-19 transmission.
When cycling, people oblique to keep wearing masks. Besides, we are better cycling with mild intensity. Because, when we have done the exercise with heavy intensity, the oxygen supply in the body decreases, plus the use of masks reduces the entry of oxygen to the lungs. Sports with continued heavy energy can cause hypoxia or lack of tissue oxygen. It can slow down the work of the heart and also cause pinched airways which often results in sudden death during exercise.
“People can assume the sport of biking outside as recreation for fun, do it in a mild intensity. If when ones are cycling, and when they speak their voice is not clear or stagnant, it means they begin to have heavy intensity, and this is terrible,” he explained.
Next, equip yourself with protective equipment such as helmets for safety when cycling. Then, keep the distance between cyclists around 6 meters to avoid the risk of transmission and maintain safety when biking on the road.
Some cyclists somehow choose to bring their own drinks. They believe that it can maintain adequate fluid intake. Besides, by preparing their own drinks, it is hoped that cyclists will not stop by the stall to buy drinks that could risk transmission.
“When we are cycling, do not make line up because it is dangerous. Choose a quiet or safe road from motor vehicles,” Zaenal explained.
Zaenal said that by complying with these steps, cycling outside the home proposes to take place safely while increasing immunity. However, he advised people to ride a static bike in the house. Besides being safer, it can also make the body stay fit while carrying out daily activities because it uses a constant pedalling speed (50 rpm) with a load adjusted to moderate intensity which is 60-80 per cent with a maximum pulse rate (220-age). This physical exercise involves large muscles, is rhythmic, and sustainable.
However, when doing sports with bicycles, it is recommended not to overdo it with high intensity because it can interfere with health. Must be done by referring to the FITT principle, which is frequency, intensity, time, and type. We performed 3-5 times per week, moderate intensity, and duration for 30-45 minutes.
“Cycling outside the home can be done by consistently complying with health protocols, but when this pandemic is better by cycling on a static bicycle first,” he said.
While contacted separately, UGM Tourism Study Center Researcher, Drs. Hendrie Adji Kusworo, M.Sc., said that at least five factors were triggering the rise of cycling activities in the last few years. First, people have started to feel bored to stay at home.
“The existence of PSBB forces the community to remain at home. While the need for recreation continues to exist either when dealing with PSBB or not,” he explained.
Second, the current recreational needs cannot only be fulfilled by activities inside the house. In the perspective of tourism, Aji said, the range of recreational opportunities in the home is quite narrow.
“While cycling presents a wide range of recreation opportunities,” explained the lecturer at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM.
Third, the Covid-19 pandemic gave rise to the Work from Home (WFH) policy. This phenomenon makes more time or opportunities for activities outside of work, including cycling.
Fourth, amid the Covid pandemic, people are encouraged to maintain their immunity, so the coronavirus will not easily infect us. Cycling is one of the exercise options to keep your body immunity.
“Finally, the cycling climate in the country is getting better so that it encourages people to ride bikes,” he said.
Author: Ika
Photo: Beritasatu
Translator: Natasa A