The Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) recently released the eucalyptus necklace as an anti-coronavirus. Some parties recommended that it can kill influenza, beta and gamma coronaviruses.
Professor of the Faculty of Pharmacy UGM, Prof. Dr. Suwijiyo Pramono, DEA., Apt., said that eucalyptus contains several active substances that are beneficial to the body. Eucalyptus contains essential oils which at the same time also includes 1.8 cineol compounds which are antibacterial, antiviral, and expectorant to thin phlegm.
The UGM herbal expert said that there had been eucalyptus studies on influenza and coronaviruses. The results confirm it is capable of killing flu and coronaviruses.
“The Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus is a new type, did the Ministry of Agriculture observe that kind of virus? If they did, then still, we need to test in the investment stage again, have just arrived in that stage,” he explained on Monday (6/7).
Using this eucalyptus necklace, said Pramono, it can only kill viruses that are outside the body not inside because again, it is a necklace.
“The inhaled active ingredient of eucalyptus is relatively small. Although it can kill the virus, it is not too significant,” said the BPOM expert.
A way to prove it, clinical trials must be carried out.
So far, eucalyptus has been used topically or inhaled. Not for oral use or as internal medicine. The use of eucalyptus is generally smeared or inhaled as in eucalyptus oil products, balm, roll-on and others.
According to him, eucalyptus is not a drug for the anti-corona virus that causes Covid-19. The proof still required a long process to clinical testing or in humans. Besides, you must have permission from BPOM.
“If it is called Covid-19 antiviral drug, it cannot yet. Primarily if used by mouth for drugs is not recommended because if we do not use the dose properly, certainly, it will be dangerous,” Suwijiyo explained.
He explained the safe limit for oral use of eucalyptus ranged from 0.3 to 0.6 millilitre. In contrast, excessive use will irritate the stomach and poison the central nervous system, which can result in death.
The use of eucalyptus in the form of necklaces for medical devices, according to him, indeed could potentially help the healing process of Covid-19 patients. Active substances in eucalyptus can be inhaled and help relieve breathing in patients who experience symptoms of shortness of breath. However, once again if in the form of a necklace should be tested clinically.
“If the dosage form is a sufficient dosage of oil to be inhaled so that it can at least relieve breathing and thin the phlegm. In this case, it can help standard drugs given to Covid-19 patients in the healing process, not as the primary drug of Covid-19,” he said.
Author: Ika
Photo: Kompas.com
Translator: Natasa A