Ganjar Pranowo, as the Governor of Central Java, said integrity builds honesty. Therefore, it should be maintained. Covid-19 pandemic has made changes in a lot of things, including changing people’s behaviour so that fitness is maintained.
“It’s essential to talk about integrity; this integrity is my constant sales, and we cannot change it in a short time. Moreover, new integrity and normality, namely the effort to build a system that is under conditions that are forced, forced by a pandemic, forced to wear a mask, this is something new, which did not exist. Even if we use it temporarily,” Ganjar explained on a webinar entitled Leadership and Organization on Friday (10/7).
In a webinar held by Friends of the Acceleration of Increasing Student Leadership (SP2KM) UGM, Ganjar said similar to integrity in the bureaucracy, the government’s efforts need to avoid corruption and collusion. Therefore, after winning the election as the Governor of Central Java in 2013, he began in 2014 to run a clean government from corruption and collusion as the main issue.
Therefore, as governor, he did not hesitate to make sudden inspections to prove corruption in the form of illegal fees on the weighbridge. The results are quite surprising because it turns out that corruption is like a culture.
“The model uses a lighter, or use a cigarette. Nominally between 10-20 thousand per vehicle. A year of income can indeed reach 50 billion or at least 30 billion, but road damage can reach 300 billion,” he said.
Various other cases of civil servants are not just a level of mockery, in Central Java removed from office because of tripping corruption due to the sale and purchase of positions. Also, there are levies for physical checks of vehicles up to 50 thousand vehicles.
“So at the time of this pandemic, if anyone still undertaking corruption, I would fire and deliver them to the KPK. Since 2013 we already have coordinated the prevention of cooperation with the KPK,” he explained.
Ir. Ahmad Yuniarto, CEO of Schlumberger Indonesia 2011-2015, stated that at the time of the Covid-19 pandemic, managing the transition period was very important. Not only the president, governor, chancellor, but all Indonesian people, including students in a small scope.
According to him, during this pandemic, all parties must begin to think about how to manage life transitions in a different atmosphere. Where there are things that change, and there are things that must be left.
“The atmosphere is full of uncertainty, obscure. There is a crisis, very chaotic, and a lot has to do with feelings, with stress, with confusion between people, this is an area where we need very strong leadership,” he said.
According to Yuniarto, if we can control something specific, then we will also have a clear target, and the things that are running are routine things that are no longer the territory of a leader but a supervisor or management. We can do everything in detail if we prepare everything. We control, we monitor and we plan.
“So that the current atmosphere is fitting for us to learn leadership, leadership science because the atmosphere now requires the emergence of a leader within each of us,” he explained.
According to him, three foundations will strengthen a leader. All three are values, values or intentions, and the next is behaviour.
“If we dare to challenge and ask ourselves before we take steps, is there another way or a different way, so the results are different, the impact is greater? God willing, it’s one of my friends to take the leadership path,” he explained.
Yuniarto emphasized the things that need to be done by everyone when the intrusion of the use of digital or artificial intelligent technology or machine learning or whatever is also getting higher. Then, what we need is an increase in contextual intelligence, emotional intelligence and human social intelligence. This thing is necessary so that humans do not lose their sense of humanity.
“So if there is a question, how do you lead the strategy in the era of digital disruption? So the answer was about how we manage and strengthen contextual intelligence, emotional intelligence and social intelligence,” he explained.
Author: Agung Nugroho
Translator: Natasa A