In order to accelerate digital transformation during the pandemic, CfDS UGM and Progate held training for 2,800 participants on Friday (10/7). This training program is relevant to the government’s vision and mission and the national need for digital talent.
The training integrated into the form of an activity titled CfDS UGM x Progate Coding Experience Bootcamp. The training program, which held for eight weeks, provided an opportunity for the general public to be able to learn various programming languages and various other trends in the technology industry for free.
Throughout this program, participants can learn the basics of 4 popular programming languages , namely HTML & CSS, Javascript, SQL and Node.js. Through collaboration with the Center for Digital Society (CfDS) UGM, Progate hopes to be able to strengthen the influence and impact of the digital ecosystem in Yogyakarta as a City of Students, a gathering place for talented young people who will play an important role in the progress and future of the country through its contribution in the sector digital.
“We are proud to collaborate with CfDS UGM in conducting training that can be a means to foster the technological talents needed in the national digital economy ecosystem. Progate as an online learning platform that is easy to use, opens wider access to coding as a type of skill that can open the door for a better career for everyone,” said Norman Ganto, Country Manager, Progate.
At present, the holding of the ‘Coding Experience Bootcamp’ program with CfDS UGM has reached more than 2,800 participants from various backgrounds ranging from students, college graduates, employees, to housewives. As a platform that provides online coding learning available in English and Indonesian, Progate is specifically designed for beginners to begin a journey into the exciting world of programming.
Users can directly practice what they had learned without having to install other additional tools. This track further emphasizes Progate’s vision and mission to empower digital talents to make changes through coding skills.
“The lack of digital talent is one of the challenges that must be faced by Indonesia, especially in the era of the digital economy as it is today. This collaboration, hopefully, can be one of the efforts to bridge this challenge. CfDS UGM is proud to be part of Progate’s efforts in developing and supporting the birth of new digital talents in advancing Indonesia’s digital economy through the ‘Coding Experience Bootcamp Program’,” said Iradat Wirid as the Project Officer for CfDS UGM Event & Training.
Author: Agung Nugroho
Photo: Kompas.com
Translator: Natasa A