The Dean Band organized a humanitarian fundraiser through virtual concerts to help lessen the burden on students affected by Covid-19. The dean band’s UGM charity concert took place on Saturday (18/8) night.
Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy UGM and drummer of The Dean Band, Dr. Arqom Kuswanjono, said that the virtual music concert aimed to arouse the concern of alumni and partners to support this fundraising effort.
“Hopefully, this concert not only can entertain people through the beauty of the music but also can open opportunities for alumni and partners to take care of UGM students who affected by Covid-19. We do art while raising funds,” he explained on Tuesday (7/21).
In the concert which lasted approximately 1.5 hours, the UGM deans took turns taking Indonesian favourite songs, Javanese pop, and western songs. UGM Chancellor, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M. Eng., D. Eng., IPU, ASEAN, Eng., also contributed a song called D’Lloyd’s What’s Wrong and My Dos.
The Concert of the Dean Band is pre-recorded played online on the YouTube platform. The deans performed songs recorded from their respective homes and then played online with accompaniment from live bands during the concert. The concert held from each members’ respective home. It conducted under recommendations of the government health protocol. Besides, it was also held to be enjoyed from home, in order to break the chain of Covid-19 transmission.
The fundraising results will be used to help ease the burden on UGM students who are experiencing financial problems during the Covid-19 pandemic.
“We will assist later to remain targeted and use. For example, to support student living costs or in the form of infrastructure that supports the learning process,” he explained.
Author: Ika
Translator: Natasa A