A total of 197 proposals for the UGM Student Creativity Program (PKM) headed to get research grants from the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs, Ministry of Education and Culture (Dirjen Belmawa Kemendikbud). This number is the most significant number of approval compared to other universities in Indonesia.
“There were 197 proposals for PKM 5 in UGM that were successfully accepted by the Ministry of Education and Culture’s funding and became the largest nationally. We are pleased and grateful for this achievement,” said the Head of Student Creativity Directorate of UGM Directorate of Student Affairs, Suherman, Ph.D., on Thursday (6/8).
In the national top five, after UGM, there is Diponegoro University in second place that accepted 128 PKM. There is also Hasanuddin University with 113 PKM, Brawijaya University 111 PKM, and UNS 103 PKM.
He explained UGM submitted 600 PKM proposals for five fields. However, from this total number, only 197 proposals have been accepted to get grant funds by the Ministry of Education and Culture.
The 197 PKM UGM proposals that approved the research grant included 27 PKM Entrepreneurship, 44 PKM Karsa Cipta, 15 PKM Community Service, 88 PKM Exact Research, 17 PKM Social Humanities Research, and 6 PKM Technology.
Suherman said that the achievement resulted from the hard work and enthusiasm of the entire PKM UGM team. Besides, there is also support from the supervisory lecturers and PKM assistants, faculties, and universities.
“Congratulations to the PKM UGM team who passed the funding, and we would like to deliver our greatest appreciation to the lecturers who have assisted the UGM PKM, as well as faculty and university leaders for their support,” he said.
He conveyed that all funded proposals will be having the next selection later through the monitoring and evaluation (monev) process. Then, projects that pass the Ministry of Education and Culture’s reviewers’ evaluation will be advanced to the 33rd PIMNAS, which will be virtually held in October.
“We prepare the best team possible to implement PKM, especially amid the Covid-19 pandemic successfully. Hopefully, with the solidity and hard work of the UGM PKM team, many will pass PIMNAS 2020,” he said.
Not only accomplished in passing the most PKM 5 field proposals, but UGM also succeeded in being the most successful in passing PKM proposals. They are in the fields of Scientific Articles (AI), Written Ideas (GT), and Constructive Futuristic Ideas (GFK), which earned the Ministry of Education and Culture grants 2020. In total, 31 proposals comprised 7 PKM AI, 15 PKM GT, and 9 PKM GFK.
Author: Ika
Translator: Natasa A