I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati, S.E, M.Sc., as The Minister of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection, gave appreciation to the Srikandi Sungai Indonesia (SSI) community who have taken various efforts and initiatives in environmental conservation, especially the River Basin.
“Not only play a role in the management of the river environment, but SSI also empowers women to achieve family resilience,” said Bintang Darmawati. She conveyed it through a National Webinar entitled “Early Education for River Environmental Conservation” in commemoration of National Children’s Day and National River Day organized by Srikandi. Sungai Indonesia (SSI) with the Environment and Disaster Mitigation Clinic (KLMB), Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada on last Saturday (1/08).
According to her, SSI has undertaken various educational and socialization activities for parents to instill sustainable development and environmental sustainability for children. This effort is also relevant to one of the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection priorities for the next five years, namely increasing the role of parents in education or childcare. “Therefore, I hope that SSI’s efforts can be sustainable,” he hoped.
According to her, what SSI has educated children the importance of protecting the environment from an early age, so that they will grow into children who are not only cognitively capable but also empathetic and responsible by maintaining the environment’s quality.
Professor of the Faculty of Geography UGM and the initiator of the Indonesian River Srikandi, Prof. Dr. Suratman, M.Sc., said that he is currently initiating the establishment of SSI river parks in several areas to encourage people to conserve rivers as a source of knowledge and recreation. “The river teaches people through natural phenomena and up to the disaster. However, the river also educates us about social values and cooperation for the preservation of natural heritage,” he said.
He mentioned several SSI river parks in Indonesia that have existed for five years, namely the Code River park, Winongo, Gajahwong park in DIY, 15 river parks in Klaten, Pemalang, Tasikmalaya, and the Kohoin and Biak River parks in West Papua.
On the other hand, Ganjar Pranowo, as the Governor of Central Java, said that garbage is one of the problems in river management because many people throw rubbish into the river. “Since pandemic, many people throw their trash into the river to the sea, from masks to other stuff,” Ganjar said.
Despite being one of the causes of flooding, the SSI community is necessary to encourage society not to throw garbage into the river. “Let’s consolidate again, let’s protect our rivers,” he said.
Author: Gusti Grehenson
Translator: Natasa A