Two UGM student organizations have fortunately received grants for the Village Development and Empowerment Holistic Program (PHP2D) in 2020 from the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture.
Suherman, as the Head of the Sub-Directorate for Student Creativity at the UGM Directorate of Student Affairs, said that the two UGM student organizations that passed the PHP2D 2020 funding were BEM KM and the UGM Tourism Student Association (HIMAPA).
“Two of the 11 proposals submitted are funded. For three consecutive years, Alhamdulillah, we had two proposals to receive grant funds,” he explained on Tuesday (11/8).
The first program is from UGM HIMAPA raised the title “S-TEC (Sriharjo-Tourism Economic And Culture): Efforts for Economic Independence and Cultural Preservation through Empowerment of Tourism Based on Slow Tourism in Villages.”
Secondly, BEM KM UGM raised the title “Village Development and Empowerment Holistic Program in Supporting Community Economic Resilience against the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic by Optimizing the Development and Marketing of Tourism Products from Agriculture in Ngargoretno Village, Salaman District, Magelang Regency, Central Java”.
Suherman hopes that the implementation of PHP2D by the two UGM student organizations can later help and strengthen the community’s economy. Thus, hopefully, there will be an independent and active community.
“Although there is a pandemic, hopefully, there is still be holistic guidance to villages by implementing strict health protocols. Besides, there are also some other online activities,” Suherman said.
PHP2D is an annual routine plan organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Previously this program was called the Village Development Grant Program (PDHBD). This year, there are hundreds of student organizations from various universities in Indonesia participated, and 253 passed the program implementation grant.
Author: Ika
Translator: Natasa A