UGM Tourism Professor, Prof. Dr. Janianton Damanik, who is also the Head of the UGM Center for Tourism Studies, emphasized that the primary key to the revival of Jogjakarta tourism during the Covid-19 pandemic no longer lies in the uniqueness and attractiveness of tourist destinations. The key to this revival is precisely the community’s compliance in carrying out health protocols that are currently becoming the most potent aspect and promotional media for tourism.
“Instead of relying on the destination uniqueness aspect as a way to the revival of Jogja tourism, we are better to push the main aspect, which is to ensure that people are obedient to the health protocol of covid-19. This would be the greatest opportunity,” said Janianton Damanik in the Tourism Awakening Strategy webinar. Jogja in the Middle of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Thursday (6/8).
There are also speakers attended in the webinar. They are from the Deputy Mayor of Jogja, Heroe Purwadi, Chairman of the BPD Association of Hotels and Restaurants (PHRI) DIY, Deddy Pranowo Eryono Chairman of HIPPI DIY, Dr. Sarbini.
According to Janianton, if there is a high level of compliance in the community, especially those who run the tourism business, we will get the market back soon. The market is currently still waiting.
“If we can build trust for the visitors that we obey health protocols, those who come to Jogja are safe, comfortable, and have their health maintained, and then it is only a matter of time, Jogja tourism will be back soon,” he said.
He also said that it would be ineffective if they undertake promotional efforts if the community has not complied with clean, healthy, and safety standards. The revival of the visitors is very dependent on the application of these standards.
“Health is the King, and that applies to our current condition. If this happens, we only have to wait for the revival of the visitor market to come,” he explained.
Therefore Anton expressed his appreciation for the DIY Government and the Yogyakarta City Government for paying attention to this matter. Jogja deserves high appreciation because there are many government issues to make people aware of this health protocol.
Unfortunately, the campaign or solicitation is still limited to an appeal, so that there has not been an optimal result. It is only limited to an appealing level so that there will not be consequences if people violated.
“I don’t have any information yet; just, for example, someone has come to the meeting. Or let’s say at the mall, they get checked, have a high temperature, don’t wash your hands or don’t comply with health protocols, and get kicked out of the mall. I haven’t heard the news yet, so there is no strict punishment, I suppose,” Janianton explained.
He suggested that punishment and reward should exist so that if they violate the regulation, they must get sanctions. According to him, this could make the image of Jogja much better and very promotional, as well as become an extraordinary promotional tool for the Jogja tourism market.
“The tourist market is currently waiting. What the city government has done is good and right when it refuses buses from outside the city that does not comply with health protocols. Pak Wawali said earlier; if there is a bus from outside, there is no guarantee of health and safety, we will reject them, so they can’t enter. Yes, we have to protect the citizens. This regulation is the right step,” he said.
The Deputy Mayor of Yogyakarta, Heroe Purwadi, also conveyed a similar thing. According to him, the key to reviving Jogja tourism is only the health protocol. The President’s firmness in Yogyakarta to enforce the rules was then appreciated by the President so that it was called the best in handling Covid-19.
“The point focuses on what motivates people to come to Jogja. Our policy, indeed, the bus may enter, but provides a guarantee to our safety and health. To hotels, restaurants, traders, stalls, if they can’t guarantee our safety and health, we will refuse them. It also applies to some parks area; they also reject cars who do not provide security guarantees to us,” said Heroe.
Heroe added about 40-45 buses or cars that rejected because they did not provide guarantees to carry out health protocols such as rules implemented since the beginning.
“Please come with a guarantee that keeps us safe. If many visitors do not provide health and safety guarantees to Jogja, sorry we will reject the visit, “he added.
Author: Agung Nugroho
Photo: tirto.id
Translator: Natasa A