Disproportionate information about the coronavirus can trigger anxiety, worry, and stress. Even sometimes the body often feels symptoms similar to Covid-19 after acquiring information related to symptoms of coronavirus infection.
“The symptoms occur are a manifestation of psychosomatic disorders. Some of its manifestations, such as shortness of breath, are similar to the manifestations of Covid-19 infection,” explained the Specialist in Psychosomatic Medicine Consultant, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing (FKKMK) UGM, dr. Noor Asyiqah Sofia, M.Sc., SpPD-K.Psi., FINASIM., on Tuesday (25/8).
Then, how to prevent psychosomatic? Therefore, Noor Asyiqah shares tips to avoid psychosomatic disorder that aims to frequently increase the body’s relaxation response to stress.
“One way to increase the body’s relaxation response to stress is by exercising,” she said.
Another way is by taking enough rest. It is because a lack of rest can increase levels of the hormone cortisol or the stress hormone.
The next following tips is adjust a nutritious and balanced diet. By eating nutritious foods can help lessen levels of the increased hormones cortisol and adrenaline when we get stressed.
“Also, don’t forget to improve our spiritual quality,” added the lecturer at the Department of Internal Medicine, FKKMK UGM Psychosomatic Division.
She said that if a psychosomatic disorder has occurred, there should be a holistic approach for its handling. The approach is underlying psychological disorder as well as an approach to physical disorders that occur as a result of the psychosomatic disorder.
“For example, people who often experience shortness of breath because of anxiety disorders. Besides handling complaints of shortness of breath, but optimal handling of anxiety disorders is also important, either in the form of administering anti-anxiety drugs or giving appropriate psychotherapy,” she explained.
Identify Symptoms
She revealed that psychosomatic is a disorder or disease with symptoms related to physical illnesses caused by psychological factors or certain psychosocial events. This condition generally occurs due to a person’s lack of adaptability in dealing with stress.
“It is considered as a not normal reaction if it has become a psychosomatic disorder because it means the patient has physical disruption,” she explained.
Psychosomatic can occur through emotional processes, namely, non adapted stress. Then, the brain will process the emotions and transmit it through the sensor system to the body organs. For example, the digestive tract, respiratory tract, and hormonal system.
She gave an example in individuals who undergo short of breath, this indicates a psychosomatic disorder in the respiratory tract. This condition happens if there is a great influence on the patient’s psychological condition on the shortness of breath.
She further explained that psychosomatic disorders can occur both in healthy people, but can also occur in people who physically have conditions in their physical organs. In physically healthy people, this psychosomatic disorder will induce various manifestations, such as frequent palpitations, cold sweats, digestive complaints such as bloating, nausea, and sleep disturbances.
Meanwhile, if this psychosomatic disorder occurs in people with a medical condition, psychosomatically can aggravate the illness they have suffered. Besides, it also reduces the life quality and adherence to treatment.
Author: Ika
Translator: Natasa A