The number of patients confirmed positive for Covid-19 in Indonesia keeps increasing. Government and allied health have also made efforts to prevent and stall the coronavirus transmission, one of which is to urge people to carry out self-quarantine.
dr. Siswanto, Sp.P., as a pulmonary specialist, UGM Academic Hospital (RSA), said that Quarantine is an effort to save people who are not ill. Still, they might have the possibility of being exposed to the disease. Unlike isolation, Quarantine is the detachment of healthy people without symptoms. Meanwhile, isolation is the detachment of infected people with Covid-19. This detachment aims to prevent the spread of infection.
“Quarantine is for healthy people without symptoms. Meanwhile, isolation is intended for sick people and then isolated either at home or hospital,” he explained on Thursday (27/8).
Then, who or when should someone do Quarantine? Siswanto explained that self-quarantine for 14 days is necessary for people who have had close contact with people who have been confirmed positive for Covid-19. Close contact is defined as a person who has a history of contact with a confirmed patient for Covid-19.
One of the criteria for close contact is having met face-to-face for at least 15 minutes with a confirmed positive patient for Covid-19 within 1-2 meters. Another measure is that they have been in the same room, whether in the same workspace, residence, class, vehicle, or event for more than 15 minutes.
“The last measure is if they have also gone along within a distance of 1 meter for 15 minutes or more,” he added.
Besides, it is also intended for people who have had direct contact with people confirmed positive for Covid-19 or have taken care of confirmed cases without using adequate PPE.
Siswanto said that when having self-quarantine, for example, at home, use your respective room or share a room or bed with other families. Make sure the room has good air circulation or ventilation. Then, minimize the use of shared space and do not share cutlery.
“When having quarantine, please limit interactions with other people, always wear a mask and make routine hand-washing as a new habit,” he explained.
While having Quarantine, Siswanto urged to stay active and keep having exercise to maintain the immune system. Besides, do not forget to eat a nutritious and balanced diet and stay connected to family and friends.
Author: Ika
Photo: shutterstock.com
Translator: Natasa A