As many as 20 employees of the Gadjah Mada Medical Center (GMC) Clinic UGM confirmed negative for Covid-19 based on the swab test results. The throat and nasal swab tests conducted after one health worker (health worker) was confirmed positive for Covid-19.
“The results of the swab test on 20 GMC UGM employees have released, and the results showed they all are negative,” said the Head of the UGM Covid-19 Task Force, Dr. dr. Rustamadji, M.Kes., on Friday (28/8).
Adji said that the employee who tested negative for Covid-19 could return to continue their UGM GMC duties. Meanwhile, one health worker who previously tested positive for Covid-19 from an independent swab test has undergone independent isolation at home.
“The condition of the person is in good health, without symptoms, and he is currently carrying independent isolation at his respective house,” he said.
As previously reported, there was 1 UGM GMC worker who tested positive for Covid-19. Furthermore, UGM immediately took steps to sterilize the UGM GMC building, conducted contact tracing, and swab tests on 20 of its employees.
Author: Ika
Translator: Natasa A