A total of 20 contingents, consisting of 18 faculties and two schools, are set to compete in sports and arts during the 41st UGM Sports and Arts Week (Porsenigama), held from Oct. 13 to Nov. 24 at GOR and Pancasila Stadium.
This year’s event involves 4,561 sports athletes and 640 arts participants.
The theme for this year is “Renjana Arutala,” introducing new competitions, including the sport of rowing and a new art branch—poetry reading.
Professor Wening Udasmoro, Vice-Rector for Education and Teaching, emphasized that Porsenigama is part of UGM’s effort to develop students’ sports and arts skills.
“As a university that serves as a cultural center, Universitas Gadjah Mada excels academically and fosters excellence in arts and sports. Various Student Activity Units (UKM) are formed to accommodate students’ interests and talents,” she said during the Porsenigama opening ceremony at GOR Pancasila Saturday evening (Oct. 12).
Professor Udasmoro reflected on her experience as a pencak silat athlete in Porsenigama 35 years ago, sharing, “I remember when I competed in the pencak silat branch.”
She congratulated all athletes and artists participating in the event, recognizing their dedication to honing their skills.
“Successful athletes possess a strong sense of sportsmanship,” the vice-rector added.
The Chairperson of the 2024 Porsenigama Organizing Committee, Muhammad Salman Alfarisi, highlighted that this competition serves as a platform for UKM continuity and a means for students to express their talents.
He noted that Porsenigama is a space for all student elements to contribute, even if their goals differ.
“Through every moment of the competition, we want to remind everyone that university life is about fostering a supportive environment among fellow students,” Alfarisi stated.
Meanwhile, the Coordinator of UGM’s UKM Forum (Forkom), Henrikus Prasetyo Cahyo Santoso, urged all involved—athletes, artists, and supporters—to uphold sportsmanship throughout the competitions.
He also called for a moment of reflection on the Kanjuruhan tragedy that occurred two years ago, expressing his hopes for justice for the victims.
“Let’s all take a moment of silence to pray for the victims,” Santoso urged.
The opening ceremony of the 2024 Porsenigama began with prayers from six religions represented by UKM Sekber Rohani. Athletes and artists from the 20 contingents then handed over flowers to symbolize their commitment to sportsmanship.
The ceremony concluded with Vice-Rector Wening Udasmoro, Forkom advisors, the organizing committee chairperson, and the UKM Forum Coordinator placing four pearls representing the values of Porsenigama.
Author: Tiefany
Editor: Gusti Grehenson
Photographer: Firsto