The International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST) was for an encore held by the Publisher and Publications Agency (BPP) UGM for the sixth time on September 7 and 8, 2020. ICST is a series of UASC (UGM Annual Scientific Conference) scientific conferences that provide an ideal academic forum to researchers in presenting the results of the findings in science and technology.
Because of social restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic, there will only be online ICST 2020. However, the presence of ICST still attracts researchers, both from within the country and abroad, to present their research results. As a regularly held conference, ICST has had unquestionable credibility because of the manuscripts’ quantity and quality, the speakers explained, and the publication of the conference’s output has always been the committee’s priority in its implementation.
The Chancellor of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., IPU, ASEAN Eng., will be a party that opens ICST 2020. In his remarks, he conveys that UGM is proud to be at the forefront of facilitating the dissemination of cutting-edge research across disciplines of information through the holding of the UASC conference.
“The implementation of the sixth ICST proves that UGM is consistently maintaining international academic relations. Hence, it results in outstanding success in presenting collaborations with international partners, forming scientific networks, increasing the excellence of Indonesian writers in the scope of global publications and global readers. This condition also proves UGM as a standard carrier for scientific development,” he said.
In this sixth year, ICST presents science and technology experts from four countries, namely Japan, Germany, England, and Turkey. There are also six speakers are:
- Prof. Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo (Chiba University, Japan)
- Prof. Keisuke Ohto (Saga Univerity Japan)
- Prof. Pitoyo Peter Hartono (Chukyo University, Japan)
- Dr. Fatwa Firdaus Abdi (Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, Germany)
- Dr. Hui Luo (Imperial College London, England)
- Prof. Nalan Kabay (Ege University, Turkey)
There is also an increased number of participants in the sixth ICST. Also, there are 428 articles registered this year. However, only 260 articles passed the review for the presentation. The scope of origin of the conference participants is even broader, namely from 20 countries, including the USA, India, the Philippines, South Africa, Singapore, Russia, England, Egypt, Myanmar, Mexico, Thailand, Qatar, Australia, France, China, Japan, Taiwan, Turkey, Germany, and of course Indonesia.
There will be six symposiums groups contains participant, namely: Computer and Information Technology symposium; Electronics, Power, Communication, Control, and Instrumentation symposium; Life Sciences, Materials, and Applied Chemistry symposium; Mechanical and Industrial Engineering symposium; Remote Sensing and Geomatics Symposium; and the 1st Geoscience and Environmental Management symposium.
This year’s conference output will be published in indexed journals and proceedings that have collaborated with ICST 2020, namely: 1) IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 2) Scientific.Net, and 3) E3S Web of Conferences. Since it was first launched in 2015, the ICST conference results have been published in several reputable journals and proceedings. They have published in AIP Conference Proceedings; IEEE Conference Proceeding; ASEAN Journal of Chemical Engineering; IOP Proceeding Series; Journal of Medicine, Physiology, and Biophysics; International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology; Proceeding of The Pakistan Academy of Science; IJ Geography; TransTech Publication; Applied Mechanics and Materials; UGM Digital Press; IJ Biotech; IJ Chemistry; E3S Web of Conferences; and the Material Science Forum.
There have been challenges for the organizers in preparing for a virtual conference. However, although they did not meet face-to-face, the committee hoped that we can still feel the conference’s atmosphere, especially for participants who will present their articles. In particular, the committee has subscribed to the ZOOM webinar video application and ensured a stable internet network so that the ICST 2020 implementation can run smoothly.
Author: Hakam
Translator: Natasa A