Universitas Gadjah Mada hosted the FORTEI-International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE) discussion forum and INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TECHNOLOGY AND POLICY IN ELECTRIC POWER & ENERGY (ICT-PEP) 2020, which was organized by the Indonesian Technical Higher Education Forum (FORTEI) in collaboration with PT Companies State Electricity (Persero).
This event is a forum discussion for experts in electrical engineering held virtually on 23-24 September 2020.
“This event proposes to provide a forum discussion for experts in the field of electrical engineering to the next present ideas, research results, and the latest findings in that particular field,” explained Ir. Sarjiya, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., IPU as the Head of the UGM Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Department.
He acknowledged that commonly diverse challenges related to science and technology development become one of the highlights in universities’ and professionals’ efforts to adjust.
In this case, FORTEI is a connection between the professional and academic world in opening and synergizing the electricity sector’s newest technology to improve quality and open new research potential in the future.
Sarjiya realized that UGM as the organizer of this international conference forum in the middle of a pandemic with various access limitations, all activities are regulated by running a series of online activities through a digital platform.
“This intends to facilitate access for participants in the continued implementation of the FORTEI and PLN cooperation program to solve industrial and professional problems in the field of electrical engineering,” he added.
FORTEI itself is a communication forum for Indonesian Electrical Engineering Higher Education at all higher education levels, which consists of Universities in Indonesia, which includes the Electrical and Information Engineering Study Program.
The PLN Research and Development Center launched the FORTEI collaboration through the planning and development sector, Ir. Winarno and Ir. Yongky Permana M.Eng and GM of the Research and Development Center, Ir. Iswan Prahastono M.Phil along with Sarjiya and Ir. Noor Ahmad Setiawan, ST, M.T., Ph.D., IPM from Universitas Gadjah Mada, also a representative of the IEEE Indonesia Section.
In this period, there will be a FORTEI National Conference and the management election for the next period, which is currently chaired by Sarjiya. Besides, there will be a discussion on implementing the Free Learning Curriculum for Higher Education, especially in Electrical Engineering.
The entire series of activities hopefully can be a forum with a broad impact, involving the IEEE Indonesia Section and the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Indonesia (IEEE SMCS Indonesia Chapter) to later cover broader fields, especially in the fields of electronics, instrumentation, and control in the field of electrical engineering to stimulate more up-to-date research on the development of smart technology as well as energy saving.
“Furthermore, the international conference also opens up new insights and extent discoveries of technological developments. Hence, there will be an adjustment to the existing conditions for industrial development and also research in the field of electrical engineering,” said Sarjiya.
Author: Gloria
Translator: Natasa A