Breast cancer is one of the most frequent cancers that occurred in women. The current breast cancer problem is the high mortality rate and the low level of public awareness in recognizing risks and identifying early symptoms.
The low level of public awareness in recognizing the risks made breast cancer in Indonesia to be more identified at an advanced stage. Accordingly, the unanswered challenge to overcome this problem is that there is no predictive model that can identify breast cancer risk in women in Indonesia.
“The reason why it is necessary to calculate the risk factors for breast cancer is to help increase public awareness in recognizing the risk of breast cancer in Indonesia,” said Ricvan Dana Nindrea, SKM., M.Kes, a lecturer at Andalas University, Padang, during the open examination of the UGM FKKMK Doctoral Program on Tuesday (29/9).
Managing the online dissertation of the Machine Learning Oriented Breast Cancer Risk Factor Calculation Model in Indonesia, Rickvan Dana stated that based on the results of this study can help determine whether a person has a risk of developing breast cancer, which is very valuable in helping early detection and preference for breast cancer.
“Calculation of risk using scoring can help people to carry out routine checks for early detection of breast cancer and help health care workers find people at risk of developing breast cancer,” he explained.
Throughout this breast cancer risk computation, according to Rickvan, it can determine whether a person has a safe risk of breast cancer, adequate for breast cancer prevention, or is dangerous to the occurrence of breast cancer. If someone is in a dangerous category, they must carry the screening action to ensure whether a person does have breast cancer or not, whereas if someone is in good preventive behavior, it is advisable to keep their behavior to avoid breast cancer.
“On the other hand, when it is considered in the safe category, it is recommended that a person needs to manage behavior and avoid risk factors for breast cancer to avoid breast cancer,” he explained.
The current phenomenon is the late diagnosis of breast cancer in women. The causes of this phenomenon are perhaps due to the patient delay, doctor or medical personnel ignorance (doctor delay), or hospital delay. This condition happens because the perception of breast cancer risk is still low. The majority of women tend to underestimate their risk, which may have an important effect on the practice of early detection and attention to medical symptoms to affect the delay in the discovery of breast cancer.
“Early detection of breast cancer is beneficial to a reduction death number in breast cancer. Besides, the other benefits of early detection of breast cancer are reducing the cost effect if someone is identified with breast cancer at an advanced stage, which requires further treatment, which of course requires a lot of money, compared to someone who knows the risk of breast cancer early and takes preventive measures as early as possible,” he explained, who passed with the title Cumlaude and became the 4,903 UGM doctorate.
Author: Agung Nugroho
Translator: Natasa A