The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) in Canberra and the Australian Student Association (PPIA) organized an online seminar for sustainability and energy to discuss Indonesia’s preparation for the 4.0 Industrial Revolution. On that occasion that was held on Thursday (24/9), there was also a book review of “Achieving Indonesia 4.0 – The Thought Collection of Indonesian Students in Australia”.
As a source person, Dr. Ahmad Agus Setiawan – Energy expert staff of the Presidential Staff Office of the Republic of Indonesia and assistant professor in Renewable Energy UGM, delivered an online presentation through zoom, in Yogyakarta concerning the opportunities and challenges of Indonesia’s energy in facing the Industrial Revolution 4.0.
Meanwhile, Alue Dohong, SE, M.Sc, Ph.D. as the main speaker as well as the Deputy Minister of Environment (LHK) and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia, revealed that eventually, Indonesia had enrolled in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. LHK is closely associated with the management of natural resources as development capital.
“In this fact, innovation is one of the foremost weaponry in supporting the sustainability of natural resource management, especially in the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0,” he said.
Then the event proceeded with a book review session delivered by the author’s representatives. Welhelmus Poek, S.Pt., M.IntlDev, and Arriyadhul Qolbi, S.T., IPM, M. EngSys, were the ones who presented the book review session. The book “Achieving Indonesia 4.0” comprises a collection of ideas from young Indonesian intellectuals studying at various universities in Australia.
This book contains 34 authors and seven chapters that discuss; Economics, Industry, and Investment (I), Technology and Innovation (II), Resources and Social Affairs (III), Law, Institutions, and Policies (IV), Sustainability and Energy Aspects (V), Infrastructure (VI) and Health (VII). The book has been currently disseminated to various markets in Indonesia through the publisher Pustaka Obor Indonesia Foundation.
“We are the students currently studying in Australia, always trying to implement what we can learn for Indonesia. For about one year of preparation, this was one of our first steps of thought and contribution,” said Muhammad Nabil Satria Faradis, a Masters student at the University of Melbourne, who is also the coordinator of the renewable energy of PPIA and co-author of the book.
The book was previously launched in Canberra, 3 September 2020. Some attendants on the occasion of the book launch were Prof. Bambang Brodjonegoro, Ph.D., Minister of Research and Technology / Head of BRIN, Indonesian Ambassador to Australia concurrently Vanuatu, Y. Kristiarto S. Legowo, and Prof. Dorodjatun Kuntjoro-Jakti, Ph.D., Professor of FEB UI. Then the publication of this book was followed by the event of this webinar series.
Author: Hakam
Photo: Bisnis.com
Translator: Natasa A