In November 2020, three Covid-19 vaccines will arrive in Indonesia. The government planned to distribute the vaccine injection in December 2020 to protect the public from infection with the SARS-Cov-2 virus. Prof. dr. Tri Wibawa, Ph.D., Sp.MK., as the professor of the UGM Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FKKMK), suggested the public to implement health protocols even though they have received the Covid-19 vaccine.
“Currently, we are still waiting for the research results on the number of vaccine protection against the new coronavirus. Even though the public has been vaccinated, they must still protect themselves by behaving in accordance with health protocols,” Tri Wibawa said on Monday (19/10).
According to him, the solution to the Covid-19 pandemic depends not only on vaccination but also on public compliance with health protocols. If the public is not disciplined on health protocols, it can prolong the pandemic. Therefore, the vaccination program needs to be followed by community discipline in implementing health protocols.
Tri Wibawa also added vaccines that a vaccine could be given or applied to the community if the whole clinical trial process has finished. People can use vaccines to overcome Covid-19 if they suffice several requirements. One of them had been tested for safety, and it was proven that it does not cause significant side effects.
“It is effective in protecting against targeted diseases, and its quality is maintained in the production line,” explained UGM microbiologist.
Meanwhile, for the Covid-19 vaccine, he maintained, priority was given to the groups most defenseless to infection. Besides, also groups that have an important role in the transmission of the new coronavirus.
Author: Ika
Photo: Shuttersttock.com
Translator: Natasa A