There were a man and his pregnant wife seen visiting the lecturer room at the UGM Faculty of Animal Science at that time in dry season in 2017. The man was Riyan Nugroho Aji, S.Pt., M.Sc.
Riyan is a lecturer at the Faculty of Animal Science UGM. He holds a specific field in livestock reproduction technology. In 2017, his visit to the faculty was really a great front step that could guide him to become one of the lecturers at his alma mater.
Riyan said that his visit at that time was just to keep in touch to introduce his wife to the lecturers who had supervised him during his Masters in the Faculty of Animal Science UGM. Back then, he had also applied for a teaching position at a private university outside Java. However, when he met his thesis supervisor, Riyan got information that there was open recruitment for lecturer positions at the UGM Faculty of Animal Science.
Riyan did not directly take the offer because he considered several things.
“I came to Jogja at that time and had no intention of registering. However, because the requirements were more or less similar and supported by the lecturers, I finally accepted the offer, although I didn’t expect much at that time,” he said.
After discussing with his wife, Riyan finally chose to accept the offer. Then, both of them returned to Jember, where Riyan’s parents live. Not long ago, Riyan got an announcement from the two campuses that he passed the next test.
At that moment, Riyan once felt hesitant again. If he accepted the offer and passed the next stage, then as a consequence, he would have to find a place to live and work while the selection process is over. “Moreover, I strongly remember that at that time, we only had 2.5 million rupiahs left in our savings. Meanwhile, I don’t know how long the selection process will take. That was if I were accepted,” he recalls.
Finally, Riyan decided to continue the lecturer selection process at UGM. He and his pregnant wife decided to go to Jogja with pocket money, only about 2.5 million rupiahs.
Arriving in Jogja, the first thing Riyan looked for is a place to live. He admitted that it was difficult to find a place to live because he was with his wife. The fee for a couple’s rent house is expensive, both monthly and annually. Our capital at that time is insufficient. However, finally, we found one that was cheap even though it was a very simple building in Soropadan, behind Hartono Mall,” he said.
Apart from living, Riyan also felt that he had to find another job as he was waiting for the selection process to end. Accordingly, he and his wife can live in Jogja. “I remember that time before finding a job; we had to save money temporarily. We only eat food, such as eggs, tempeh, and fried foods. Once when my wife craved a side dish of catfish, I, fortunately, could buy one for two,” he said.
Riyan was lucky because, at that time, there was an opportunity to become a Grab driver. He immediately registered himself. Apart from the Grab driver, he also helped the Animal Physiology and Reproduction Lab of the UGM Faculty of Animal Husbandry. “From dawn until 9 o’clock, I was looking for passengers. Then, until 3 pm, I had a job and helped a little in the lab. After helping in the lab, I got to find passengers again until 8 pm, then going home,” he explained.
Meanwhile, Riyan’s wife also finally helped by selling nasi kuning. After initially just trying to make it out for the neighbors to share, the response was good. “From all those incomes, we can finally eat well, and we can even save money,” he said.
Because of this life experience, Riyan stated that he had received many lessons. For example, when Riyan sees the ojol driver now, he will pray for them. “I felt for myself how hard and tired it is to be an ojol driver. Moreover, they don’t work hard for themselves. A family is waiting for them at home. That’s why when I heard the story of an ojol driver being cheated, I was very angry,” he said.
Furthermore, Riyan’s hard work was not useless. The lecturer selection process went smoothly until the final stage. That was until finally he was officially appointed as a lecturer in February 2018. He was also able to move to a better-rented house for his wife and children.
Now, Riyan is trying to continue his doctoral education in Japan. This is a prerequisite for him as a lecturer. Within three years after being inaugurated, he must have studied S3. He said that he had been accepted at the University of Miyazaki, Japan. However, there are obstacles due to Covid-19 pandemic.
“This October, I should have been there. Last July, it was reported that flight restrictions had been lifted, but it was re-enforced. As a result, I couldn’t take care of the visa since last August, “he said.
Riyan is now forced to take one semester off and start studying next year. However, he said this was not a problem. It was a lesson in itself. “Throughout this condition, I do not need to spend money on expensive plane tickets, especially in this pandemic. I also prepare a research proposal for a later dissertation. I can also prepare my language skills,” he concluded.
Author: Hakam
Photo: Special
Translator: Natasa A