Directorate of Business Development and Incubation, in collaboration with the Research Directorate through Universitas Gadjah Mada Science Techno Park (UGM STP), has successfully conducted streamlined research results. It has succeeded in bringing six Universitas Gadjah Mada patents to get the Intellectual Property Rights Award from the Ministry of Research, Technology, and National Innovation (Kemenristek / National Agency for Research and Innovation). The six patents awarded with the category of productivity and quality are the Early Detection Tool for Landslide Movement over the Ground with a Digital Data Recorder (IDP000038787), a Manual Ground Motion Monitoring Tool to Support the Landslide Early Warning System (IDP000038434), a Surface Tilt Change Detector Tool Land to Support Landslide Early Warning System (IDP000038968), as well as Automatic Ground Movement Monitoring Tool to Support Landslide Early Warning System (IDP000038351). These four are the innovation results from Prof. Teuku Faisal Fathani, ST., MT., Ph.D. with Prof. Ir. Dwikorita Karnawati, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Next, the rest patents are the Gama-CHA Bone Graft Synthesis Method in the Cross-Linked Gelatin System (IDP000036890) by drg. Ika Dewi Ana, M.Kes., Ph.D. and Synthetic Hemostatic Sponge Based on the Combination of Hydrophilic Biodegradable Polymer – Apatite Carbonate as Biomolecule Carrier or Active Molecule (P00201902638). The rest two innovation patents in the health sector are conducted by drg. Ika Dewi Ana, M.Kes., Ph.D. and drg. Gumilang Almas Pratama Satria.
These six patents had favorably passed through the Intellectual Property license scheme to UGM-owned business units, namely PT Gama Multi Usaha Mandiri and PT Swayasa Prakarsa, as well as UGM STP-assisted start-up, PT Gama Inatek Grafika as a continuation of the Center for Excellence in Higher Education Science and Technology (PUIPT) Early Warning System field.
The Ministry of Research and Technology / National Agency for Research and Technology gave an appreciation for human resources, science and technology, intellectual property, and management of journals and publications in the form of the 2020 Productive and Quality Intellectual Property Rights Awards. This award proposes to enhance motivation for lecturers, researchers, engineers, and other science and technology human resources to maintain their creativity working at any time in the form of publications, intellectual property, and journal management.
Bambang PS Brodjonegoro, as the Minister of Research and Technology / Head of the National Innovation Research Agency (Menristek / Head of National Agency for Research and Technology), hoped that the award could become a booster for researchers to keep conducting research and innovation for Indonesia’s future development.
“This award is a form of appreciation from the government to some fields that have contributed to research in Indonesia. Those fields including human resources, science, and technology, community groups, as well as research, development, study, and application of science and technology (R & D) institutions at the central and regional levels that have contributed to research in Indonesia,” said Bambang on Wednesday (18/11).
In the middle of this award’s virtual handover, Bambang also admitted these awards dedicated to those who have contributed a part of their time to create productive intellectual property rights, high-quality scientific articles, and Indonesian scientific journals with an international reputation.
Author: Agung Nugroho
Translator: Natasa A