Universitas Gadjah Mada obtained the best State University title and got first place in managing information and public communication. Because of this, UGM gained the predicate as the most informative campus. This predicate is given because it is considered a public agency (BP) that has implemented Law No. 14 of 2008 on Freedom of Information (UU KIP) by the Central Information Commission.
K. H. Ma’ruf Amin as a Vice President, conveyed this statement through online media on Wednesday (25/11) to the UGM Chancellor, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng. Besides the State Higher Education (PTN) category, some categories also got the Public Information Openness award. They are Ministry Category, the State Institution Category and Government Institutions no Ministries, the Structural Institution Category, the Provincial Government Category, the BUMN Category, and the Political Party Category.
Ma’ruf Amin added that the Public Information Openness Award award was considered a great opportunity to appreciate public agencies that have been genuinely implementing public information openness. This Openness of Public Information makes it easier for the public to access information. Hence, public agencies deserve to obtain awards with particular qualifications.
“Congratulations to the public agencies that obtain informative qualifications. I also encourage you to remain providing quality public services to make it even better,” Ma’ruf Amin said.
While for public agencies that have earned the predicate towards being informative, hopefully, they will meet the qualifications as an informative public agency next year. We can realize these hopes by employing the right commitment and strategy.
“For public agencies that are quite informative, less informative, and even uninformative, I encourage them to keep making improvements to public information openness,” he said.
As the Chairman of the Central Information Commission, Gede Narayana stated that in entering the ten years since the implementation of Law No. 14 of 2008 regarding Public Information Openness, there are still many Public Agencies (BP) that have not implemented it. BP’s lack of compliance with mandatory public openness of information since 2010. People might see its reflection clearly from the monitoring and evaluation (monev) of BP’s openness by the Central Information Commission (KI) in 2020.
Gede also reported BP’s openness monitoring and evaluation results. From 348 BPs monitored throughout 2020, there are 60 informative public agencies or 17.24 percent. As many as 34 public bodies or 9.77 percent headed for informative, 61 public bodies or 17.53 percent were quite informative, 47 public bodies or 13.51 percent were less informative, and 146 public bodies or 41.95 percent were uninformative.
Gede also revealed that there was a score for each category in monitoring and evaluation. The score for Informative is 90-100, Towards Informative 80-89.9, while Moderately Informative 60-79.9 (including low information disclosure), Less Informative (40-59.9), and Not Informative (0-39.9) ). Unfortunately, there are still BPs that are below 10 or even 0.
“From this percentage, it must be highlighted that Public Information Openness in Indonesia has not fully complied with the law because there are still many public bodies that have not implemented KIP based on its procedures and regulations,” he said.
Accordingly, Gede added, settling up these conditions has become a collective work of many parties. According to him, there should be a more intense push to make Public Information Openness a collective culture to accomplish good, clean, effective, and efficient government governance.
Secretary-Chancellor, Drs. Gugup Kismono, MBA., Ph.D., was very grateful concerning UGM receiving the “Informative” rating with the highest score for the Higher Education group. This achievement was both an appreciation and a high responsibility.
According to him, this award was a form of appreciation for UGM’s hard work so far in applying the mandate of Law no. 14 of 2008 concerning Openness of Public Information, especially through innovation and collaboration. They conducted innovation by employing digital technology in developing services.
“We do not only serve community groups conventionally, but we also serve segments of society that are relatively less serious, for example, the groups that focus on disability,” said PPID Utama UGM.
Cooperative campus elements are very important in the collaboration, such as students, community service units, research units, and UGM partners, such as other universities, village governments, sub-districts, sub-districts, and others.
According to Gugup, this achievement of an informative ranking with the highest score is not the final goal, but Public Information Openness endures a dynamic process. There should be a chance for improvement in the future.
“This is a form of responsibility for this achievement. We still need Supervision from the Central Information Commission and the Regional Information Commission or other institutions with rich experiences,” he explained.
The achievement as the most informative campus is integrated with the University Leaders’ commitment who continuously contribute policy support and other resources for better management of public information openness. Furthermore, the support of other units, for instance, in the context of the use of information technology, providing services to special segments (disability/impairments) and strengthening collaborations with governments from all over Indonesia and other partners.
“Friends who care about disability/impairments focus in particular give us inspiration and encouragement to UGM to develop the management of public information openness that stimulates UGM campus to be more inclusive,” he added.
Author: Agung
Translator: Natasa A