The government grants super tax deduction incentives for research and development (R&D) activities. The incentive given is beneficial to reduce gross income for thorough research and development activities in Indonesia regulated by the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) No. 153 of 2020.
Dr. Muhammad Dimyati, as the Plt. Deputy for Strengthening Research and Development, Ministry of Research and Technology / National Agency for Research and Innovation, conveyed that a super tax deduction is a form of government assistance for the industry in supporting research and development activities in universities. The material of fiscal facilities for research and development activities aims to increase the national research budget, boosting economic growth.
“This super tax deduction is considered an effort to develop the innovation research ecosystem, particularly in the context of research expense,” he said on Wednesday (2/12) in the 2020 Industrial Research Forum webinar: Creating a Special Economic Zone for the Medicine, Medical Devices, Cosmetics, and Functional Halal Food Industry organized by UGM.
Besides, these incentives’ grants intend to enhance the private sector’s contribution to research and development activities. Then, increase national competitiveness, strengthen technology-based industrial growth, and expand collaboration between industry players and science and technology developers.
Dimyati also added that providing incentives hopefully can create the stabilities of fiscal sustainability and economic growth.
“The goal of providing super tax deduction facilities is to provide funds on research and innovation from non-APBN (industrial) sources. Also, supporting industrial cooperation with PT / Lemlitbang facilitates further the consummation of the downstream and commercialization of the innovation research results,” he explained.
Meanwhile, UGM Chancellor, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., IPU., ASEAN., Eng., said UGM embraced the government’s regulations to support research and development activities. Hopefully, throughout this industrial research forum, there will be consistency and enthusiasm in industry players even more in conducting research and development activities by employing the super tax deduction facility.
“Thanks to lecturers, researchers, and industry for supporting UGM to consistently innovate to stimulate the creation of social welfare and develop the nation’s competitiveness,” he said.
In this opportunity, UGM agreed on the two online corporations. They were first with PT. Deltomed Laboratories, and secondly with PT. Philippines Antiviral Indonesia Pharmaceutical. Moreover, UGM has also released a book on Institutionalizing Experience of Innovation.
Author: Ika
Translator: Natasa A