Universitas Gadjah Mada successfully entered the top 10 list of the greenest campuses in Indonesia based on an online survey conducted by UI Greenmetric published on Monday (8/12) yesterday. Based on the UI GreenMetric list, UGM is considered the top third greenest campus after Universitas Indonesia and Diponegoro University.
In response to the award given by this ranking agency from the UI campus, UGM Chancellor, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., said that this award is a form of appreciation from outside for UGM as one of the greenest campuses. It is also a form of support to encourage UGM commitment to education and research programs about environmental preservation and sustainable development and environmental management campus to keep it green and beautiful. “We still keep our commitment in teaching future generations to take good care of this earth,” he said.
Additionally, Panut said that in education and teaching, UGM also taught students about renewable energy development, green economy concepts, and environmental preservation to support sustainable development programs.
Bambang Soemantri Brodjonegoro, as the Indonesian Minister of Research and Technology, said that the ranking of campuses from an environmental aspect would certainly encourage more campuses to enhance campus cooperation with industry and the government in developing sustainable development programs. “Throughout this ranking, we would like to encourage many universities in Indonesia and globally to engage in sustainable development,” he said.
As is well known, UI GreenMetric is one form of the University of Indonesia’s programs to evaluate universities based on the university’s commitment and actions towards greening and environmental sustainability. Some universities in Indonesia included in lists ranking the ten greenest campuses in Indonesia are as follows, UI, Undip, UGM, IPB, ITS, Semarang State University, UNS, UII, Telkom University, and Raden Intan Lampung State Islamic University.
Author: Gusti Grehenson
Translator: Natasa A