Chairman of the Institute of Higher Education Entrance Test (LTMPT), Prof. Mohamad Nasih, said that participants could download the material for freshman selection at www.ltmpt.ac.id. This requirement is necessary because participants must have an LTMPT account as one of the selection process steps.
“Participants are required to have an LTMPT account registration, in which the registration will be closed on February 1,” said Nasih.
Nasih added that for the State University National Admission Selection (SNMPTN) test, Nasih would start on February 15-24, and the announcement of March 22, 2021. Because SNMPTN is a selection test based on student achievement, The Data Filling for School and Student (PDSS) starts from January 11 to February 8. “Each school is going to fill out PDSS,” he said.
Furthermore, the step for the LTMPT account registration for State University Joint Entrance Test (UTBK-SBMPTN) is open from February 7 to March 12. UTBK-SBMPTN registration will be held from March 15-April 1. There would be two shifts on UTBK implementation, namely the first shift on April 12-18, and the second shift is held on April 26 to May 2. “SBMPTN Selection results will later be announced on June 14, 2021,” he said.
He then explained the students’ portion obtained from each test in each PTN (State Universities) and PTN legal entity. Nasih revealed that the portion of students accepted at each PTN for the SNMPTN test is minimally 20 percent, SBMPTN is a minimally 40 percent, and an independent examination maximally 20 percent. Meanwhile, for Legal Entity PTN, particularly for SBMPTN, the minimum portion is 30 percent, and the portion for independent examination is maximal of 50 percent.
Secretary-General of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Prof. Ainun Naim, appreciated the LTMPT’s hard work to manage and prepare the freshman selection process through the SNMPTN and SBMPTN passages. “I highly appreciate all ladies and gentlemen who have worked so hard despite being in the middle of a pandemic situation,” he said.
Director-General of Higher Education, Prof. Nizam, also expressed a similar thing. According to him, today’s selection process is not quite different from last year. Some managers can still make some adjustments and improvements in the selection system during the current pandemic situation. “Hopefully, it makes us easier in the university admission selection process so that we can accept prospective students based on their competencies and skills,” he said.
Author: Gusti Grehenson
Translator: Natasa A