Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UGM is in grief. One of the professors, Prof. Dr. Sri Haryatmi, M.Sc., passed away on Saturday (9/1). For her services, UGM held a final tribute ceremony at the UGM Hall (Balairung) on Sunday (10/1) afternoon before being buried at the UGM Sawitsari Cemetery.
Prof. Sri Haryatmi was born on 24 December 1954 in Delangu, Surakarta, Central Java. The deceased was known as a scientist who contributed greatly to mathematics, especially in statistics. Because of her contribution, she was entrusted with the Study Program and Laboratory Head of the Statistics of FMIPA UGM role for many years. Through this contribution as well, UGM appointed the deceased as a professor.
At her inauguration as a professor on 13 April 2009, the deceased delivered a speech entitled “The Development and Role of Regression Analysis in Research and Technology”. In the address, the deceased said the rapid development of regression analysis could overcome various problems that arose in applications.
These included transformation and weighting to overcome/correct model mismatches; special treatment in the presence of influential observation, polynomial regression; how to deal with multicollinearity in the independent variable, nonlinear regression; and the independent variable in the form of regression development time leading to a time series that was useful for financial data analysis, medical data analysis, and other fields of science.
Furthermore, the deceased stated that, with the advancement of technology, statistics users could enjoy the results of the statisticians’ hard work, especially regression. This could assist in analysis and conclusions through the use of statistical software, such as SAS, SPSS, Excel, Minitab, S-plus, and others.
Regression applications, especially statistics, generally had several fundamental principles. All work in a system had an interrelated process with the variations that occurred in all processes. She emphasized the success of using regression could not be achieved by statisticians alone. It required support from both theoretical and application-side problems that often arose when techniques were applied to real data.
Prof. Drs. Koentjoro, MBsc., Ph.D., Chair of the UGM Council of Professors, described the late Prof. Sri Haryatmi’s personal qualities. He said the deceased was a lecturer who was known to be close and attentive to her students. As a colleague, Prof. Sri Haryatmi was always humble and open to discussions without being patronizing. She didn’t even hesitate to ask her juniors when she didn’t know the subject of conversation.
“Prof. Sri Haryatmi is known for her compassionate personality. When a staff member was hit by misfortune, she didn’t forget to show compassion toward them. So did when a colleague made achievements. She did always express her appreciation for them. For me, she is indeed a reflection of the real teacher. Hopefully, we can all continue her hard work, carry out her messages, and develop the knowledge she has inherited to advance our beloved university and Indonesia,” he conveyed, representing the entire UGM academic community.
Author: Hakam
Photo: Firsto