GeNose C-19 was used as an alternative to check health conditions as a requirement for passengers with long-distance train trips at Tugu Station, Yogyakarta, on Wednesday (3/2).
Additionally, a health test using GeNose has also been applied at Pasar Senen Station, Jakarta, while the official launch will occur on Friday (5/2).
“Today is the first inaugural day for the soft launching of the GeNose application at train stations. Some passengers have conducted a health test using GeNose, and hopefully, the application can run well,” said UGM Director of Business Development and Incubation, Dr. Hargo Utomo, M.B.A.
GeNose is an innovative product as UGM’s researcher team discovery led by Prof. Kuwat Triyana, in the form of an electronic nose that detects Volatile Organic Compounds through the human breath.
This product obtained a distribution permit from the Ministry of Health in December last year. The Covid-19 Task Force approved its use for Covid-19 screening intended for passengers with long-distance train trips in the Java region based on Circular Letter Number 5 of 2021 concerning the Extension of Travel Procurements during the Covid-19 pandemic period.
On the first day of the GeNose application at Tugu Station, some passengers seemed to have started using GeNose. As one of the passengers, Vio preferred to use GeNose rather than rapid antigen and PCR test for Covid-19 screening because GeNose has a relatively affordable cost.
“I commonly use rapid tests, and it is a bit pricey for a student like me. Compared to GeNose, it only costs 20 thousand, which is very affordable. Apparently, today is the fresh launch, and I want to try it for the first time,” he said.
He beforehand received some information related to GeNose from social media, even though he recently discovered that Tugu Station had begun to use GeNose.
“I have known just now that GeNose is currently utilized today, so I was interested in trying it. A few times ago, GeNose went so viral on Twitter. When I was about to register, I just found out that I could use GeNose here, so I chose this,” Vio explained.
There were 6 GeNose available to be used by prospective passengers. Those were put in separate booths at Tugu station. After the registration and payment process at the counter, an airbag is given to each prospective passenger to catch their exhale.
Some officers will provide explanations and instructions to prospective passengers to exhale into the airbag.
Next, the passengers should hand over their airbags to the officers. After that, passengers are allowed to wait for a few minutes until each passenger’s results are released. The officers would later call their names to receive information on their test results.
“At the beginning, I was actually doubtful and afraid of making mistakes, but it turned out that it was easy and understandable. So, I thought it was more comfortable,” Vio added.
As another GeNose user, Ayu, also admitted that GeNose is more practical and comfortable. Even though she had not been familiar with GeNose before, she was interested in trying GeNose after KAI officers informed them. She said that affordable cost was one of her considerations for choosing GeNose.
“This is my first time. I had just found out when I came here. We choose GeNose because I want to try, “he said.
On another occasion, Budi Karya Sumadi, as the Minister of Transportation who observed the first trial of GeNose application at Pasar Senen Railway Station, gave his appreciation to UGM for thoroughly conducting research in a tool innovation that was not only affordable but also practical.
In a PT KAI press release, he revealed that GeNose was an additional option for the public to carry out health checks, other than rapid antigen and PCR tests. Later, this innovation will also be provided in other stations.
“We believe this tool has been examined to be used as a means of Covid-19 screening tools at transportation points such as at stations. Later, we will also provide GeNose to other station points,” explained the Minister of Transportation.
Author: Gloria
Photo: Firsto
Translator: Natasa A