It is advisable for patients who have confirmed positive for Covid-19 to carry out self-isolation at home to prevent the virus transmission. Trimuryani Nugraheni, S.Kep.Ners., as the Committee for Prevention and Control of Infection at the UGM Hospital, revealed that people should have done the self-isolation at home carelessly. Still, self-isolation protocols must be implemented so that transmission does not occur within the family members and the surrounding environment.
“For those who carry out self-isolation at home is necessary to stay at home as much as possible,” she said in the Health Talk show in the series of the 19th Anniversary of the UGM Academic Hospital held on Tuesday (9/2).
She explained that during self-isolation, patients must avoid activities outside. The patient also must avoid close contact with other people or carrying out physical distancing as much as possible.
Another step that is important to be taken while carrying out self-isolation is dissociating patients with other family members. Minimizing room-sharing with other family members and limiting the number of people to treat patients.
“Implement ventilation adjustments, especially the isolation rooms should have a good air circulation,” she added.
Next, adjust to a clean and healthy lifestyle (PHBS). For instance, frequently wash your hands either after contact with the patient or the surrounding environment, before and after food preparation, before eating, and when your hands look dirty.
Make sure to wear the mask correctly, immediately replace it if it gets wet/dirty, and properly wash the cloth. Then, differentiate the eating utensils and items used by patients with other family members. Also, clean the area and items around the patient frequently using disinfectants.
“Monitor health status both temperature, symptoms of shortness of breath, cough, sore throat, and oxygen saturation. If you show symptoms of fever, cough, flu, shortness of breath, and other symptoms, please immediately call the health service facility for a more intense treatment,” he explained.
The talk show also invited a forensic specialist doctor at UGM Academic Hospital, dr. Hendro Widagdo, Sp. F. He explained the process of treating the bodies of Covid-19 patients. His party treated the corpse in accordance with health protocols to prevent transmission of disease either from the body to the mortuary officer or the surrounding environment.
Author: Ika
Translator: Natasa A