The Chancellor of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) handed over 20 units of GeNose C-19 to the deans at UGM.
Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., IPU., ASEAN Eng., as the UGM Chancellor symbolically handed over of the Covid-19 screening to the Dean of the UGM Faculty of Agriculture, Dr. Jamhari, S.P., M.P., as the UGM deans’ representatives, on Monday (15/2) at the Chancellor’s living room.
The UGM Chancellor revealed that UGM distributed GeNose to the Faculty/School. UGM also provided each unit with a hepa filter and 100 plastic bags/balloons. Hopefully, GeNose could help assist the Covid-19 screening efforts around the campus environment.
“We hope that GeNose can be useful in the limited-offline-activities at the faculties such as dies, guest meetings, and others,” he said.
Meanwhile, to support the independent utilization of GeNose in faculties and schools, UGM will later facilitate GeNose standard operation training at the UGM Science Techno Park (STP). Besides, there was also medical waste treatment training for GeNose products.
Dr. Jamhari., S.P., M.P., as the Dean of the UGM Faculty of Agriculture, welcomed the university’s GeNose handover. Hopefully, every UGM faculty and the school can independently screen for Covid-19 detection rapidly in the future.
“GeNose distribution aims to help faculties for Covid-19 screening in several special activities. Besides, it is also a form of preparation for the online-offline blend lectures later,” Jamhari explained.
Jamhari said that civitas in faculties carried out the Covid-19 screening process outside the campus during this time. The results also took time in a few days, which may cause anxiety for us.
“By having our GeNose at our faculty, we can conduct more rapid screening in order to create a sense of safety and convenience for the academic community in the faculty environment,” he explained.
Author: Ika
Photo: Firsto
Translator: Natasa A