The UGM Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FKKMK) organized an online “Monograph Development of Quality Assurance System Model for Medical Education and Medical Profession” on Thursday (8/4). There were two speakers invited to the webinar, first was Dr. Rr. Titi Savitri Prihatiningsih, M.A., M.Med.Ed., Ph.D., as the book writer, and Prof. dr. Usman Chatib Warsa., M.Sc., Ph.D. as the head of LAMPTKes.
Titi Savitri revealed that there had not been a good internal quality assurance (SPMI) of doctors and doctor education during her involvement in quality assurance at LAMPTKes.
“In quality assurance, there are so many audacities. Many parties oftentimes considered Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) as for documentation only,” the ex Dean of FKKMK revealed.
The document preparation in the accreditation and re-accreditation process is only formality every five years. After that, they would be back to the old learning system before accreditation. Hence, there is no significant learning improvement.
“No fundamental change, such as curriculum, has been discovered. SPMI There has been no fundamental change such as curriculum. SPMI was only pushed from the external party due to pandemic conditions. In fact, it must have had its awareness from its institutions,” she explained. She questioned about quality assurance whether or not it affected student learning, improvement of graduate outcomes, increased readiness of graduates to enter the occupation work. Hence, she encouraged people to reflect and think about the education quality paradigm and education quality assurance system through her book. She also wrote the philosophy and characteristics of medical education and the health profession.
“It is expected that the related important roles can re-design the medical education and its quality assurance,” she said.
On the other hand, the head of LAMPTKes revealed that the educational institution in the health field should have increased their quality assurance to produce the competitive and high-quality graduate. In response to this, Prof. dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med.Ed., SpOG(K)., PhD., as the Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing appreciated this book release. She conveyed that quality assurance in higher education, especially in health, was very strategic and fundamental to developing the quality of educational medication. Additionally, she said that this could be a way to improve graduates’ competencies sustainably. In the Ministry Regulation of Research and Technology No. 62 2016, it is mentioned that quality assurance in education is a systemic activity and integrated by education program units, local governments, governments, and communities to enhance the nation’s ability through education. However, the organizational context and the community condition are very influential to the perspective of education quality.
“Hopefully, this book can positively contribute to medical quality assurance for years from now,” she expected.
Author: Ika