Starting from 2020 until now, people are still shackled in a pandemic. Although there has been good control in handling the pandemic lately, some changes and effects still occurred, one of which is on the working system. People who usually conduct their working activity at the offices, now, some of them have shifted into a remote. These shifts should not have hindered us from being productive. Therefore, to encourage people working in the middle of the pandemic, the UGM Faculty of Political and Sciences organized a webinar entitled “Bincang Sehat,” or a healthy talk through Tim Wellness Center. The theme raised in this webinar is “Kerja Cerdas dan Sehat di Era Pandemi” or “Smart Working and Healthy in the Middle of Pandemic.”
There have been several webinar series dedicated to lecturers, education staff, students, and the community. Last Friday (9/4), the second webinar implementation raised a theme entitled “5M, 3T, and Vaccination during New Normal Era”.
Deputy Dean for Finance and Human Resources, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM, Nurhadi, S.Sos., M.Sc., Ph.D., revealed that FISIPOL implemented new normal protocols in five areas that consist of working mechanism, health protocols information system, infrastructures, and institutional.
FISIPOL explained that after the activity restriction policy on campus last May, FISIPOL began to design a working mechanism starts from the simulation phase where only 25 percent of the employee were working from the office (WfO), partial phase 50 percent of the employee were working in the office and the new normal phase where the whole employee could work from the office.
“Currently, we have never implemented WfO total. So far, we could only implement 50 percent WfO and 50 percent WfH until now,” he said.
Besides, the UGM Task Force in FISIPOL tightly implemented the health protocols of 5M and 3T. The Covid Task Force for 5M conducts coordination with protocols implementation. Meanwhile, the 3T Task Force monitors tracing, testing, and treatment.
“We also conduct knowledge production and sharing. The faculty had published two books that involved collaboration from a few faculties and universities outside UGM,” he said.
On the other hand, Dr. dr. Rustamaji, M.Kes, as the Head of Covid-19 Task Force, revealed an improvement in the Covid handling, it was proven through the number of reductions on the Covid-19 cases in Depok within the last few weeks. UGM also provides 3T facilities for its academicians for each case that occurs, such as providing isolation rooms. In addition, UGM also provides blended scheme learning method implementation, both online and offline, and still prioritizes an individual’s health.
“We are currently preparing a blended learning program that is following the health protocols both for facilities and infrastructure,” he added.
Author: Gloria