Last Tuesday (13/4), UGM supported LTMPT in implementing UTBK or known as computer-based written examination, by providing the places to conduct tests. In its implementation, UGM Chancellor, Rektor UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., IPU., ASEAN Eng., checked over the students in carrying out the UTBK in UGM.
“I am thankful that in these two days test implementation all are going well, although there was once a trouble signal in one of the examination rooms, yet we solved it immediately,” said the UGM Chancellor to the reporters.
The test implementation during the Covid-19 pandemic has led UGM to be more careful in conducting some activities. Since the Covid pandemic has not ended yet, UGM provided strict health protocols during the UTBK. The health protocols consist of providing sinks in some areas, hand sanitizers, and thermogun. UGM also provided the drop zone and waiting room which are accordant with the physical distancing policy. In addition to that, UGM assigned the UGM Covid Task Force to monitor participants and the UTBK committee’s health strictly.
He also added that the UTBK in UGM had an amount of 11.716 participants that include 5.796 test participants from Science and Technology, 5.481 test participants from Social Humanities, and the rest 439 test participants from the blended-knowledge field. The UTBK implementation is going to be organized in two waves. The first wave is on 12-18 April. Meanwhile, the second wave is on 26 April-2May.
UGM uses about 13 locations and 52 rooms. The implementation of UTBK is divided into two shifts. The first shift is on 06.45-10.30 WIB and the second shift is on 13.00-16.35.
The Head of UGM Task Force of Covid-19, Dr. dr. Rustamadji, M.Kes., revealed that the Task Force teams would monitor the participants and the UTBK committee’s health during the test. They also involve help from the Healthy Students Unit or UKESMA. He also explained that in two days of UTBK implementation, a few students still did not bring their statement letter of non-reactive/negative from one of the medical tests such as Swab Antigen/GeNose/PCR are valid for three days. In fact, that is one of the important requirements to join UTBK.
“There were 12 participants who did not bring the letter yesterday. Today, 7 participants did not bring it, or some of them perhaps brought it, but it was no longer valid,” he said.
Author: Ika
Photo: Firsto