21 State Universities with Legal Entities (PTNBH) have agreed to establish a PTNBH Protocol Forum. The agreement emerged during the coordination meeting at the University Club of UGM on July 7-8, 2023.
In the meeting, three individuals were elected as the board members of the forum: Haryanto, from Universitas Gadjah Mada, as the chair; Suharman Hamzah, from Hasanuddin University, as the vice chair; and Sri Sunarmi, from Brawijaya University, as the secretary.
Haryanto expressed his gratitude to the PTNBH representatives who chose him unanimously as the chair of the forum, which was established to foster coordination and communication among protocol managers within the PTNBH.
“I will use this trust to the fullest extent possible with the support of all PTNBH protocols,” said Haryanto in a statement sent on Sunday (9/7).
Haryanto explained that establishing a protocol forum within the PTNBH environment strengthens the networking of university protocols for sharing, learning, communicating, and benchmarking based on the same interests in serving university operational activities and leaders.
“In the context of PTNBH, protocols are needed to support internal activities as well as routine activities of the leaders. The duties and functions of protocols within the scope of universities are crucial. With increasingly busy and diverse activities, there are consequences for improving and measuring the management of university leaders’ activities. As a supporter of leadership activities, the responsibilities of university protocols are becoming more complex,” he said.
As the Chair of the PTNBH Protocol Forum, Haryanto stated that he plans to develop a work program shortly, hold an audience with the Ministry of Education and Culture, and periodically organize protocol workshops.
The Chair of the Meeting Coordination and Establishment of the PTNBH Protocol Forum, Dr. Dina W. Kariodimedjo, mentioned that the meeting was attended by 48 participants from 21 PTNBH in Indonesia.
“Participants who could not attend were from UI, Sebelas Maret University, and Semarang State University,” she said.
General Secretary of UGM, Dr. Andi Sandi, hopes that establishing this protocol forum will strengthen the duties of protocols in each university.
“I think this forum will serve as a platform for us to exchange experiences, not to exchange sadness and difficulties,” joked Dr. Sandi.
According to him, protocol activities in a university are a tradition that is continually maintained and has its wisdom.
“Culture and traditions that need to be preserved as a form of existence, but not to be idolized, for example, not every official ceremony must require a suit, it can also be changed to wearing batik,” he said.
Head of Strategic Management Bureau at UGM, Dr. Wirastuti Widyatmanti, stated that the PTNBH Protocol Forum further strengthens the role of PTNBH protocols, which will complement each other and serve as a reference for the management of university protocols throughout Indonesia in implementing Law Number 9 of 2010 concerning Protocols and Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Regulation Number 42 of 2022 concerning Protocols within the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia.
“The forum for PTNBH protocols is important to be realized,” Dr. Widyatmanti concluded.
Author: Gusti Grehenson
Photographer: Adit