Women nowadays are different. They are more modern, powerful, and bold. Multitasking job is not a big deal for them. Besides, women are also kindhearted and warm. They can still be perfect figures for their family and relatives in their surroundings. The Head of UGM Center for Women’s Studies (PSW), Dr. Widya Nayati, M.A., in UGM Update on Tuesday (20/4), also added that as time goes by, women have expanded their roles, especially in the realm of information technology. “This is remarkable. Women out there are very productive by writing articles and taking care of their families at once. It makes it easier to find research data during the pandemic,” she said.
Widya highly appreciated women for being energetic and productive in taking advantage of nowadays technology. There were also other activity exposures in commemorating the 30th UGM PSW and the Kartini’s Day 2021. They include the call for paper, poster design competition, and infographic design competition with a theme raised entitled “Online-Based Gender Violence in the Pandemic Era”.
“UGM PSW discusses our needs days ahead, what we should complete, strive for, and mend, especially in the topic of violence. It is basically about the kinds of violence we shouldn’t do. These topics are wrapped out in this online-based gender violence webinar,” explained Widya.
UGM PSW also promoted this understanding regarding the violence to some schools in Yogyakarta, one of which is SMK 7 Yogyakarta. Besides educating the gender violence, UGM PSW also encouraged students to design or create a poster about anti-gender violence and present it in front of others.
“It is so beneficial. It can introduce students to the understanding of gender violence. Besides, it will also develop the school environment itself,” said Widya.
Author: Desy