Netty Muharni as the Assistant to the Deputy for Regional and Subregional Economic Cooperation, the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, visited UGM on Monday (3/5) to discuss ASEAN cooperation and its community’s mobilities. Moreover, she also offered the scholarship opportunity for student exchanges in the ASEAN regional environment.
On that occasion, the UGM Chancellor kindly welcomed this visit and discussed a topic with Netty Muharni regarding Indonesia’s opportunity to become the Chair of ASEAN 2023. Ideas from the collective universities in Indonesia were highly crucial to contribute to the ASEAN development. “I believe that universities will considerably play a crucial role,” she said.
She also hoped that UGM could be the initiator by encouraging other study centers to conduct more research and publication. She reckoned that Indonesia had a lack of ASEAN development compared to other ASEAN countries. “We see that we lack development concerning ASEAN. However, we can actually become coordinator as well as an initiator starting from evolving our research and publication,” she said.
In response to this discussion, Panut revealed that the ASEAN study center has currently existed at UGM to routinely organize the discussion, research, and publication concerning ASEAN development. “This aims to bring about brilliant ideas and inspiration for ASEAN,” he said.
He also added that besides conducting research concerning ASEAN, UGM has also opened many scholarship opportunities for ASEAN students, even the fully funded one by UGM and its partners. “When international students study at UGM, they will likely contribute to expanding UGM partners over ASEAN,” he said.
Author: Gusti Grehenson
Photo: Firsto