Some UGM students that contributed their participation in the Mediation (Media in Action) Competition have led to living up UGM’s pride. This competition was a series of events in the Epicentrum Festival 2021 held by the Media Production Management Study Program, Faculty of Communication Sciences, Padjajaran University, West Java, in May 2021. These students were grouped into a team from Communication Science students Batch 2019 consisted of Luthfiana Nur Rofifah, Agam Syah Fadila, Naranathadewi Nitisara, Anugerah Dewa Ale K, dan Felicia Vaniadiva. This competition had a quite beneficial goal for start-ups to develop their innovation nowadays. The products from this competition could be in the form of a poster, audio, and video in digital world evolution. Besides, this competition also has a goal to prioritize individual creativity and how they work and innovate on the group or individual scale to resolve national’s challenges, especially during this pandemic era. The team leader, Agam Syah Fadila, deemed that their achievement was unbelievable because, during the process, they once faced some challenges, either technical or non-technical, primarily on the coordination process due to the pandemic that forced everything to be virtual.
“We’re so grateful we got the first award. It was unbelievable!” Agam said.
They divided the job desk to make it more efficient. Agam Syah Fadila was responsible for creating a poster and video creativity. Naranathadewi was responsible as videographer and video editor. Anugerah Dewa Ale K and Felicia Vaniadiva were responsible for audio ads creativity. Lastly, Luthfiana Nur Rofifah was responsible for creating the narration and the contact person to the Start-up parties.
Author: Muhammad Aji Maulana
Photo: Social Media of UGM Communication Science Study Program