A major crisis looms as Indonesia faces an alarming COVID-19 surge recently. Hospitals and healthcare systems across the country are on the verge of collapse following an extreme increase in bed occupancy, overcapacity in ICUs, difficulty in finding isolation rooms, oxygen shortages, and a spike in severe cases.
To help the country weather the storm, Universitas Gadjah Mada has prepared 136 rooms at Mardliyyah Islamic Center (MIC) to serve as a shelter for those who contracted COVID-19 with mild symptoms. The shelter will function similarly to a hospital where health workers are available, equipped with basic health care services, medicines, and programs to accelerate recovery.
“We are thankful for the support from donors, partners, and alumni. We have set up 200 beds, 136 sets of chairs and folding tables, 136 32-inch smart TVs, and 136 refrigerators. Hopefully, the shelter can operate soon,” said UGM Director of Partnerships, Alumni, and Global Initiatives Danang Sri Hadmoko, Friday (9/7).
UGM will also help hospitals in Yogyakarta, particularly Sardjito General Hospital and UGM Academic Hospital, in additional oxygen supplies starting next week to back up the regular hospital stock. UGM Rector Professor Panut Mulyono said aside from Mardliyyah, UGM had designated its student dormitories UGM Residence, Agrotechnology Innovation Center, educational forest Wanagama, and the Geology Laboratory in Klaten as isolation rooms.
“Various parties have contributed to the aid provision, one of which is the External Commission of the UGM Board of Trustees,” said Panut.
Rector Secretary Gugup Kismono explained the COVID-19 Task Force would help coordinate these facilities for the university members and the community to get easy access. Service coverage would include nearby cities like Klaten.
“The dormitory at Wanagama will serve Gunung Kidul residents. The local government used it for isolation wards and COVID-19 treatment some time ago,” added Gugup.
UGM Residence Manager FX. Pri Joewo Guntoro said since March 2020, the dormitories, consisting of eight buildings with a capacity of 2,617 beds and 1,399 rooms, had provided assistance to the UGM Task Force in facilities and dissemination of information. According to him, UGM Residence is currently working with Wisma Kagama to provide temporary residential facilities for health workers dealing with COVID-19.
“19 percent of the total capacity has been employed for those self-isolating,” said Guntoro.
Author: Satria
Photo: DKAUI