In collaboration with Kagamadok (medical alumni association) and SONJO, the UGM Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing launched a 24-hour COVID consultation platform LiveDokter on July 21. The service is accessible for self-isolating patients at no cost.
“LiveDokter provides patients with confirmed COVID-19, who are now isolating at home or in shelters, with adequate health monitoring and information on proper treatment. More than 100 doctors volunteer in the program, enabling the platform to be available 24/7,” said Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Professor Ova Emilia, Wednesday (22/7).
Apart from boosting patient’s confidence and sense of security while isolating, LiveDokter also aims to reduce the burden of the medical personnel in the area with insufficient health facilities. Through the service, doctors can increase public literacy on self-isolation and educate the community, not to mention monitoring their health during isolation to recovery.
“Some community-run shelters currently don’t have doctors. It will be difficult for the local health center doctors to handle everything alone,” she added.
The program receives positive responses. In less than 24 hours since the opening, there have been over 200 people consulting through LiveDokter. According to Professor Ova, developers will regularly evaluate and improve the system to ensure patients get optimal service.
“Hopefully, it can help people overcome fear and anxiety while undergoing self-isolation,” she said.
Author: Khansa
Photo: Freepik.com