In early January, the Faculty of Psychology at Universitas Gadjah Mada (Psychology UGM) celebrated its 60th anniversary with an open senate meeting on Wednesday (Jan. 8).
The event, held in Room A-203 of the Faculty of Psychology, was attended by faculty members, non-teaching staff, and student representatives from undergraduate and postgraduate programs.
UGM Rector, Professor Ova Emilia, expressed deep appreciation for the Faculty of Psychology’s consistent contributions and innovations through education, research, and community service.
This commitment has positioned Psychology UGM as a role model for other psychology faculties in Indonesia.
“I hope Psychology UGM can also contribute to curriculum analysis for the next decade, considering the advancement of Artificial Intelligence,” she stated.
Dean of Psychology UGM, Dr. Rahmat Hidayat, reported on the faculty’s achievements over the past year, including student and faculty achievements, student welfare services, research projects, partnerships, innovations, and community service.
“We aspire for Psychology UGM to become a national pioneer in psychology with international standards, advancing high science in line with the nation’s culture and Pancasila,” he remarked.
He also thanked all those who actively participated in the anniversary celebrations, noting that six decades of excellence symbolize the faculty’s commitment to making a real contribution to the nation.
“May the spirit of unity and innovation continue to thrive, helping to improve our QS World University ranking,” he hoped.
Professor Koentjoro delivered a scientific oration titled “Leading the Future Leaders of the Nation to Indonesia Emas: The Role of Psychology in Nation-Building.”
This lecture resulted from Professor Koentjoro’s long reflection on the challenges Indonesian youth face, who are expected to be agents of change. He warned that without proper management, Indonesia Emas (the Golden Generation of Indonesia) could become Indonesia Cemas (the Anxious Generation of Indonesia).
“In many lectures, talks, and discussions, I often tell young people, ‘You are my future.’ This phrase is a recognition of their role as future leaders and a reminder of their responsibilities,” he explained.
Professor Koentjoro highlighted psychology’s crucial role in guiding youth towards Indonesia Emas through youth assessment, modern parenting systems, determining the quality of human resources needed, and providing mental, spiritual, and psychological empowerment.
Additionally, he emphasized the need for intensive mentoring to ensure that youth do not become overly focused on the virtual world at the expense of reality.
As a closing remark, Professor Koentjoro reminded students not to view knowledge, especially religious knowledge, merely as information but to live by it as values that positively impact their lives.
Following the meeting, a celebration was held in the Hall of Building D. Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) from Psychology UGM attended the event, which featured congratulatory remarks from Dr. Noor Siti Rahmani, a retired faculty member.
She hoped Psychology UGM would foster a global research culture. Novita Dewi Anjarsari, representing the faculty’s non-teaching staff, also expressed pride and gratitude for contributing to the nation’s educational journey.
As part of the long history of Psychology UGM, the dean presented the Senate Chair, Professor Subandi, with a symbolic handover of an anthology containing the history of psychology disciplines and institutional history.
During the celebration, the Deputy Chair of DWP, Ratna Syifa’a Rachmahana, made a symbolic presentation of Dharma Wanita Persatuan Psychology Unit (DWP UP) scholarships for the children of outsourced staff.
The faculty’s latest innovation, the Gadjah Mada Computer Adaptive Test (GamaCAT), was also introduced. The celebration concluded with door prize giveaways, traditional karawitan music, a performance by the winner of Psychology Got Talent, and a shared lunch.
Contributor: Psychology UGM/Relung Fajar Sukmawati
Author: Triya Andriyani
Post-editor: Afifudin Baliya