YOGYAKARTA – Not all microbes are sources of diseases to humans. Up to 70% of colon bacteria are not harmful, even 20% are beneficial while only 30% are considered harmful. Bacteria have key role in making colon condition healthy. Microbes are used in many products, such as fermented milk, yoghurt, yakult, kefir, cheese, alcohol, waste management, antibiotics, even microbes enzymes in detergent.
There are a diversity of microbes in the form of bacteria and arhkaea teridir (4760 species), algae 40,000 species, fungi 72,000 species and virus 5,000 spesies. All have a big role in sustaining all processes of life on earth.
According to microbiology researcher from UGM, Prof. Dr. Langkah Sembiring, B.Sc., M.Sc., microbes are currently being studied by world scientists to know the potential. “Their ability to produce products and services can be used for human welfare,” he said during his inaugural remarks as Professor in the Faculty of biology UGM (27/6).
Sembiring said microbes in microbiology are used to detect and identify disease agents. Now it has even developed into eradication and prevention of diseases through the finding of antimicrobes chemical substance or antibiotics. “All is produced by products of microbes,” said the man born in Karo, North Sumatera, 54 years ago.
In modern biotechnology, microbes are used particularly due to their superiority in rapid growth and adaptation in various environments. “Thus, the prospect of use of microbes resources will always develop,” he said.