YOGYAKARTA – It is predicted that over 200 zoonoses (infection of animal disease to man) and 25 animal infectious diseases are considered threatening public health in Indonesia. Some of those are rabies, Avian Influenza, anthrax, leptospirosis, to toxoplasmosis. But information on the spread and transmission from animal to human has not been socialised to people due to political reasons or the weak authorities in veterinary affairs.
“Not all information on zoonoses has been socialised to people due to the lengthy bureaucracy,” said Dean of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. drh. Joko Prastowo, in a discussion on Veterinary Authorities in Indonesia on Wednesday (4/12).
Joko assessed the information on zoonoses in one area was halted at policy makers while such information is very much required by society to prevent the risks of infection.
According to Joko, the Veterinary Authorities are one way to loosen the gap in information dissemination. This institution has the task to establish infectious epidemic as well as policy making in controlling and mitigation of zoonoses. It also has the task to regulate the transfer of animals and animal products across regions or countries.
Joko saw that it is time to establish the Veterinary Authorities in Indonesia following the endorsement of Law No. 18 Year 2009 on Animal Farming and Health.
Head of Institutional Unit of Animal Health Directorate, Drh. Krisnandana, said one country to have established veterinary authorities is Australia. The institution is very effective in mitigating infectious diseases.