For years UGM has paid attention to the education for the disabled people. Infrastructure is improved for them whilst research has been encouraged for students and lecturers for the interest of the disabled people, including keyboard and Diamond mouse, blindsonar, tactual map, wheelchairs using brain sensor, etc. UGM also has a student unit that has been formed for them and those that care about disability issues.
Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs UGM, Prof. dr. Iwan Dwi Prahasto, M.Med., Sc., Ph.D., said UGM would struggle for the right of the disabled people as well as increase people’s awareness.
Iwan added that UGM had considered aspects in student enrollment process through the SNMPTN mechanism. A review has been made in terms of physical requirement for student candidates. He said only ten of 67 study programmes have asked for certain physical requirements due to the specific condition required during practicum and field work.
Mukhanif Yasin Yusuf, chairman of the student unit, said that the disabled people need non-physical support the most, such as access to education.
“Up until now, disabled students of UGM can attend lectures well due to the support and cooperation from lecturers, staff and particulary student fellows,” Yasin said.
The student unit will continue to educate the people to raise awareness, so the right of the disable people can be met.