YOGYAKARTA – Vice Rector for Human Resource and Assetts of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Prof. Dr. Ir. Budi Santoso Wignyosukarto, Dip.HE., said some 47 percent of 10 thousands new students are from unfortunate families. The government’s Bidikmisi scholarship covers around 1000-1500 students, so the rest is up to UGM to find other scholarships. “Only 53 percent of the new students have to pay in full,” said Budi to 59 staff who just received their appointment letter prior to becoming civil servants at UGM Senate Hall.
Budi said the increasing number of students from unfortunate families leads to the increasing costs that have to be paid by UGM. “What we did was to make funds efficiently spent and improve work performance of both lecturers and staff,” he said.
To the staff who just received their certificates, Budi expected them to improve their work performance. With 7500 lecturers and staff, UGM serves up to 57 thousands students. “All has to be served well,” he concluded.