Faculty of Animal Sciences UGM continues to enhance cooperation with both domestic and international partners. In 2014 the Faculty established a cooperation with Universite de Liege, Belgium, in developing centre of excellence for animal production, Faculty of Agriculture, Chiang Mai University, Thailand in student and lecturer exchange, research collaboration and publication as well as information exchange.
“These are all to support the role of the institution as well as enhance the higher learning motto,” said Dean, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ali Agus, DAA., DEA, in a Senate open meeting during the 45th Anniversary of the Faculty at UGM.
In the event, a Memorandum of Understanding is signed with three universities, Miyazaki University and Hiroshima University, Japan, as well as Maejo University, Thailand, in research, staff and student exchange.
In addition, the Faculty has “Cooperation in the country including private companies through the CSR with the target to increase farmers’ livelihoods,” he said.
In his remarks, Ali Agus explained in 2014 their lecturers have actively written scientific publications. Besides, some 32 students have conducted activities in Thailand, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Australia, Czech Republic, and China.