UGM and USAID have developed solar power generation in Karimunjawa in the form of Solar Home System (SHS) 500 Wp that are installed in four locations as well as Solar Water Pumping System (SWPS) in eight locations.
“This collaboration is an effort to support power and water provision in Karimunjawa,” said Head of Solar Power Programme from UGM Centre for Energy Studies, Rachmawan Budiarto, M.T., in Karimunjawa after the signing of an MoU on PV Solar Cell grant from USAID done at UGM on Thursday(5/2).
Vice Rector for Research and Community Service of UGM, Prof. Dr. Suratman, M.Sc, Chief of USAID Indonesia Clean Energy Development (ICED), William R. Meade, as well as Vice Regent of Jepara, Subroto, also attended the event.
Rachmawan added economic capacity enhancement was also conducted for the local community that is expected to contribute to people’s economy, especially in energy supply and gender-based economy.
Prof. Suratman said the programme was in line with the UGM’s determination to become a socio-enterpreneur university. Suratman hoped there would be a road map and masterplan of the development of islands off Jepara.
Vice Regent Subroto welcomed the commitment shown by UGM as well as USAID in solar power development in Jepara. In his opinion, many areas of Jepara are potential for such developments.