The earth has been exploited excessively more than its natural capacity, worsening the damage to the earth. The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report in 2014 says the global warming is 95 percents caused by human mistakes.
“The earth has voluntarily provided environment and life services in the form of oxygen, water, food, energy, and other life necessities to all living things. In return, men have exploited them excessively,” said Prof. Dr. Cahyono Agus, forestry professor from UGM on Wednesday (22/4) to mark the Earth Day 2015.
Cahyono Agus expected the emergence of awareness among human beings that the earth has suffered from degradation amidst the ever increasing demands. If human population reaches up to 8.5 billions by 2025, human needs will get more difficult to meet, leading to the earth getting more pressured.
“It’s unfortunate that we keep exploiting the earth greedily, unstoppably, and exponentially. This would deteriorate the earth while human awareness of life sustainability does not come to exist. In this stage, it’s almost impossible to see human lives in the future,” he said.
Cahyono Agus revealed that despite having felt the negative impacts of the loss of environment and life services, men have not given the necessary attention to the earth. Many still ignore and leave the matter to others.
“Actually, we have to make real contributions to save the earth, we cannot stay put. We have to nourish the earth for the interests of all living creatures in the blue planet in a sustainable manner,” he called for everyone’s care.
According to Cahyono Agus, a concept of implementation is needed to be able to raise awareness, capacity, and insights smartly, thoroughly and futuristically about the global environment in order to support sustainable development. Therefore, Education for Sustainable Development/ EfSD needs to be developed through formal, non-formal and informal education.